A deck based tapping them down then destroying tapped creatures.
frost titan taps, exarch taps, avengers gets bigger tapped, stonehorn doesn't let them attack.
gideon destroys tapped creatures and follows day nicely, venser works with exarch, frost titan, stonehorn, and refreshing counters on gideon, not to mention once my avengers is buffed up, i can use his -1 and wreak havoc on opponets.
leak is obvious, as is day. 3 each of ponder and preordain seems like a lot, i know, but when black has all of this discard shenanigans, i need it, not to mention with the very few win-cons i have in this deck, it's very nice.
Basically the deck works by locking down creatures, getting vensers ultimate off, or swining in with an insane avenger.
it's weaker against red burn, and the sideboard is suited to that, which is nice, but besides that, the deck seems pretty solid, and what i would consider the new UB control.
SB isn't suited against valakut, as i don't consider it a threat really b/c when their primeval can't attack, it's basically useless, especially when i can just tap it down and then beat it's face. twins is a rough matchup however, so i'm not 100% how this will work against that. but luckily that combo is very susceptible to dismember, into the roil, counts, and demystify. :)
The all-star here I really think is stonehorn. He's just a bomb.
***Also - I'm debating lawkeeper, but it really depends on the meta and how aggro it is. because as is, i really don't do much of anything until turn 5 - 6. I'm also debating dismember MB (I know it's awesome, but I just can't seem to find much room)