First of all, let me thank everyone for getting this deck to the front page. it's my 5th on the front page and you have no idea how much i appreciate the positive feedback! :D I really enjoy the deck so far, and how you enjoy it to, if you do, give it a "like" and leave a comment with suggestions, which are always welcome. :D anyways, onto the actual deck... the story goes like....................................
So i did the sealed m12 thing right, and played RUG with inferno titan, ramp, buffing cards, mind control, hunters insight, etc, aether adept, cancel, etc... blah blah
anyways, i didn't have but 7 white cards, and 3 of them just straight up sucked majorly. So I didn't look over the other ones, as I knew that none of them were ones that I'd previously seen.
Then, I got back from getting my shit rocked by being mana screwed every game and/or seeing hexproof things (i only played 10 creatures, 13 spells, so my deck wasn't exactly as effective as i'd hoped,) however, I dropped.
Upon returning home however, I was looking through the cards I didn't play and glanced over a whtie one:
Stonehorn Dignitary.
Creature - Rhino Soldier
When Stonehorn Dignitary enters the battlefield, target opponent skips his or her next combat phase.
I tend to adore cards with unique effects, and this one is just begging to put into a UW control build with venser. So I threw this together. Let me know what you think guys! :D
Most control decks have little synergy (you new kids are used to Caw-Blade, but it wasn't always like that... where as this one has two methods of very targeted power. And both work together. Control through tapping / locking them down with exarch, frost titan, stonehorn, gideon, and then board wiping with day and the like, and/or using gideon's -2 ability to kill things i've previous tapped down, and being able to reset gideon's counters and/or tap more with venser + a titan, exarch, or stonehorn, not to mention I have killing (well, exiling) ability with vensor. I also have condemn, into the roil and journey to help with "kill / exile esque" control. Basically, I've got enough straight removal to pretend like i'm playing black too. :)
Then I can swing in with the sphinx, or colonnade or gideon.
oh, and preordain is just in there because well, CA is always nice. and fits the 1 slot nicely. (a previous build had 3x each ponder and preordain, but i found it a bit too much, so i went with 4 preordain and 2 sphinx.)
SB was originally geared very heavily towards getting rid of valakut, with 3x suntitan and 3x tec edge in each one, which was certainly a beating. i've reduced it to 2 tec edge, but kept the 3 surgical extraction that went along with valakut. the extraction was also geared towards splinter twin, with dymystify and surgical extraction. i switched it up to spellskite, and dropped a few things to how it is now, as through testing with my gauntlet i've realized that UB control basically destroys this deck. It's too creature heavy, and even shitty UB mill decks will beat me once they get a JtMA (jace the memory adept.) me stopping them front attacking is useless, so i need to keep in some negates and spellskites SB. I'm thinking about dropping the condemns MB for spellpierce.
Idk. other control decks seem too good against this. However, this is, as a friend pointed out, really similar to an ultra fog deck, which kinda blows against control. :( sadly.
Cool Interactions:
**Exarch + venser = tapping down their lands or lots of creatures, or just getting me extra mana.
**Frost titan + venser = me play it, tap down, then me swing, then bounce mp2 so i get two tap downs every turn, throw in gideon as either an attacker for beats or as a -2 user for kill spells and i've got me something to work with.
**stonehorn + venser = they never attack again
**o-ring + venser = being able to pick and choose what i want to exile, and can exile bigger nastier things later on.
**collonade + gideon = swinging in for a lot with vig and flying.
**gideon + venser = resetting counters to keep his +2 strong, or using vensers -1 to swing in for an extra 6 unblockable, especially with a frost titan.
**gideon + day = day then gideon into a creature for awesome swining
and i'm sure there's others, basically every card either for CA or in a synergy like fog-esque lock down that shuts down any creature based deck. :)
lots and lots of board control through 2 angles, removing from field, and through tapping down. I get a lot of board control, and some serious lock-down ability, as well as a SB built against valakut and twin (plus some for tempered and vamps)
Let me know what you think! :D "likes" and comments / suggestions are always welcome and greatly appreciated! :) enjoy!
EDIT 7/12/2011 11:42 pm: i dropped 2 condemns and 1 oblivion ring for 3 wall of omens. i know it doesn't help in the UB matchup, but oblivion ring only sort of does. xD and getting the card draw and the ability to bounce wall of omens is very nice. I'd still like to see room for spell pierce MB but i don't really see that happening. I was thinking about why i'd use condemn, and that's because i'd want to take down their inferno titan or something, but then i realized that by the time they could get one out, i should already have them locked down, or at least i should the next turn. I also realized that oblivion ring is taking up space in the 3 slot that i'd like to save for the exarch. oust and lawkeeper are still options, but iffy ones, as lawkeeper is a turn 2 play (after preordain) and thusly isn't useful until t3 when i should be playing an o-ring / exarch anyways. so a 0/4 defender that replaces himself if a much better choice. Also, i didn't keep the update up on the SB. before i had 3 sun titan, 3 tec edge, and 3 demystify. i realized I'd rather play negate and spellskite, so i dropped the 3 demystify, 1 tec edge, and 3 sun titans to go to 4 spellskite and 3 negate. by the time splinter twin or VtMP has their combo out i'll have already locked them down so it won't be a problem, and these options help me out in the UB matchup (my worst matchup by far)
EDIT 7/13/2011 8:07 am - replaced 3 revoke existence SB with 3 spell pierce SB. I have to take out the entire stonehorn venser combo against UB control. it's really just not something I can handle, which is a shame because the deck fares so well against everything else. basically as of now, my entire SB comes in for UB control. xD
There's been a few people who've said that they'd like to try out the deck for either FNM or tourny play. for FNM keep it as is imo, but for tournament play, i'd MB the spellskites and maybe throw in another o-ring or so, or spell pierce / negate. they're awesome plays and probably better against a control matchup. :) at least, that's what i'll be doing. xD lol
EDIT -- I am editing i now in order to make i more viable in tournaments.
-2 spellskite, -1 extraction, -4 day(I had meant to have 1 day SB and 4 revoke existence, but accidently had 4 day SB [3 MB] and 1 revoke existence.) and lastly, -4 revoke existence.
Spellskite is useful, but i'd honestly much rather be playing leyline of sanctity. It's a more powerful card in my opinion, especially since there isn't much that one valakut proc will do against me, and everything I have takes 2 valakut procs to kill, exarch, stonehorn, and even wall of omens. :) i'd rather protect the beating that will come to my face once my opponent realizes that'll be his faster way to win, especially since I don't deal much damage until late game anyways.
although extraction is awesome against combo decks like splinter twin and valakut, these decks often times have other ways to win. even if i take out valakut into exile, he'll still beat my face in with primeval titans, urbrasks, and (in some builds) inferno titan. That's a lot of damage in my face, i'd rather drop down lower on the surgical extraction so i can keep in some of my tap down abilities and take care of the huge threats they dole out.t. I know removing an extraction isn't much help against splinter twin but that's okay, because i really had no way of killing the enchantment to begin with, so extraction is pointless. xD
revoke is removed because it exiles, not removes, and although i like it more of course, destroy is much better with extraction.
-4 day was obvious as i already had 3 MB.... and i didn't go back to 1 SB because after testing, I realized that there wasn't ever really a time when I needed it, with all the other lockdown I have.
+3 leyline of sanctity. all of my creatures take 3 valakut procs to kill, so playing against VtMP decks, I'll need all of the protection for myself as I can, as they'll soon figure out they should be hiting me directly, not hitting my creatures, as it'll take me a while to win with them.
+4 demystify. honestly, just a plain awesome card. instant speed destroy target enchantment. i know that it's not artifact or enchantment, and puresteel decks can beat my face in if they connect with a feast and famine just once and i don't have a day in hand waiting, but 1 white mana for killing 3 of my biggest enemies? splinter twin, tempered steel, and worst of all, pyromancer's ascension. 100% worth it.
+3 timely reinforcements. honestly, almost every time i use this deck, I'll get the 3 tokens and the 6 life. which certainly isn't a bad tradeoff for 3 mana, it'll help a ton with blocking, and will 100% go in to help with aggro builds for bitch blocking, stalling me just long enough to stabalize. I'm really planning on testing this, i'm not 100% how well it'll work out, but we'll see. I just know that frost titan won't happen super consitantly against these aggro decks, so replacing them with reinforcements means i can stabalize and then use other methods to kill them off, day + colonnade + sphinx + gideon is still very workable, espeically if i use venser to bounce the sphinx so when I day he comes back onto the field.
----ALSO! looking very seriously into playing celestial purge. 1colorless 1white instant, exile target red or black permanent. Very useful against UB builds that run things like grave titan, and still awesome against big red and exiling at instant speed the mountain they animate with koth. :) not to mention urabrask. But choosing this card will almost 100% depend on my local meta and what sees a lot of play. I'm seriously also considering taking out the tec edge completely from SB and running something in it's place, maybe a negate or spell pierce to take care of that pesky pyromancer's deck and/or kill spells / counters from UB control. thoughts?