The Metal Sacrifice:
Hey! Thanks for checking the deck out! It took a lot of work, so throw me a "like" or a comment and tell me what you think? :D
Inspired by Ichor and Mycosynth Wellspring.
Liquidmetal provides awesome control, and can even mana screw them! :)
All win-cons and every play involves artifacts in one way or another.
The above statement makes the deck suck, but is well themed and fun to play with. :)
Originally when building the deck I thought that "metalcraft" was artifact-y enough but upon looking at the rest of the deck, I realized that if that were the case I'd just play artifact control and green red metalcraft, which seemed like cheating to me. So instead, I made this deck.
It works by turning things into artifacts, then ramping up into killing them all, as well as ramping into wurmcoil / fangren marauder. :) Also, wicked draw from the deck, which is always fun. xD
I debated slag fiend. At first I ran 4, then went down to 2, then dropped 2 to run 1 more marauder and 1 more viridian revel.
Also, not having any land acceleration kinda sucked. I would have loved to have had rampant growth in there, but that doesn't specifically have to do with artifacts, so I had to drop it, and in it's place, due to my curve and high need for mana (even for my curve,) I had to run a few myrs... :/
Same reason for not having raging ravines, they weren't artifact--y enough.
Every bit of the deck, every card, has a decent amount of synergy, as well as ALWAYS having to do with artifacts. I skipped out on rampant growth and raging ravine b/c they didn't fit the theme. Galvonic blast, I think, is the one card that is furthest from the theme, which is pretty good imo. :)
SB based on dealing with a variety of decks, but as I honestly have no clue how the deck works, or what it's weak against (as i know there's no real way it could be "strong" against anything. xD)
Also, the deck has kinda inspired me, after having used myr in place of rampant growth, to make a myr version of the deck, which could be kinda fun. I'll have to check it out, I'll post a link below this paragraph if I ever make it.
EDIT: the metalcraft burn spell is gone now for K-red to help out in killing my wellspring / wasted magnets / myrs later on. :)