B/W Life Gain/Drain

by Slayerone3 on 25 December 2010

Main Deck (60 cards)

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Deck Description

A Black White life gain with black drain Comments welcomed and needed

Deck Tags

  • Life Gain

Deck at a Glance

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This deck has been viewed 3,780 times.

Mana Curve

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Card Legality

  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Legal in Modern
  • Legal in Vintage
  • Legal in Legacy

Deck discussion for B/W Life Gain/Drain

Check my deck B/W Life Theft ( http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=128638 ) there mite be some ideas you could use there.

Posted 26 December 2010 at 03:32


You can't have 8 sanguine blood xD

Posted 26 December 2010 at 06:29


lol accident from when i changed some cards earlier lol

Posted 26 December 2010 at 09:41


Well, here I am. I have to say, this is a wonderfully thought out Orzhov deck. The trick with Orzhov is finding that razor's edge balance between life gain and drain. Yours leans more on the gain part, but you make it work big time. My only "eh..." moment was the 4 Basilicas you have. I'm not sure if you'd be better off with just 2-3 or what, but it just is something I keep looking back at. Otherwise this is a great looking Orzhov deck.

(Also maybe consider Tainted Sigil instead of Elixir of Immortality) =]

Posted 26 December 2010 at 14:59


Tanks for taking the time to look and thanks for the tips but the reason i put from 2 to 4 basilicas is that it seems when i draw a sample hand that i never get mana and i took out my original marsh and Godless shrine do to the price. I tried to make it budget. and Do you really prefer tainted sigil to elixir of immortaility
because elixir guarentees 5 life plus reshuffling my graveyard into my hand. which could possibly be alot if im facing a day of judgement play set in a deck. But You are good at magic so ill do it.

Posted 26 December 2010 at 20:35


Well Tainted Sigil combined with Sanguine Bond can kill someone pretty damn fast, and sacrificing the sigil after someone hits you with an ass-load of damage will make them want to cry. With this one it's really a bit of a toss-up. They're both excellent cards for their own different qualities. Now that I look at it, I would take out the Orzhov Signets, as they're much slower than you may think and use both of them. (Using the Elixir to get your Sigils back is pretty mean =P)

I would play-test with the actual deck to see how much you need all 4 Basilicas...I find the sample hand thingy here is a bit "too" random at times.

Always glad to help =]

Posted 27 December 2010 at 01:23


I'm not sure using this site's "Draw sample hand" feature is a good way to get an idea of how your deck would work. I would suggest using Fetid Heath instead of Orzhov Basilica, but Heath costs about $6 each and Basilica is only $0.50 each (according to starcitygames.com). So instead I suggest trying Orzhov Signet (only $0.25 each).

Posted 27 December 2010 at 01:30


thanks to all of you and to surewhynot:
I made 2 decks out of cards i actually own and those are my life and white3 weenie deck but some of the guildpact cards i dont own so i can test them. im gonna buy this deck soon but thats why im asking you guys i dont wanna buy cards that arent going to work. And seeing as youve made many more decks then me i thought youd have tips. which you did. Also yes i started realizing the sample hand button was to random when 1 out of 3 clicks i would get a 3 turn win on a deck on another acc =)

and im trying to make his budget so fetid heath is out of the question !@! but thanks for the advice

Posted 27 December 2010 at 17:51


Always glad to help. =]

This (as it is now) shouldn't cost -too- much to get, and I know you're going to like it =]

Posted 28 December 2010 at 00:54
