my bad i didnt see that
Im new to oathbreaker but if its the same as commander am i wrong to think you need a U/G commander to have U/G cards?
btw its invincibility and good deck man
Lol i know but they are way too freaking expensive
great deck bro reminds me of my weenie the pooh deck but mines not straight artifact
wouldnt luminarch ascension be sorta a win condition becuase if youre controlling the feild they arent doing damage so each turn a 4/4 flyer.............. not bad just a bit boring
Yes please
you know what cards better although i use it in my white weenie deck... Deft Duelist 2/1 First strike shroud for W/U mana its sweet
this deck is great it runs kinda like a deck i hav ein real life but without the collosal mights the pillars the hydra and the hellion but everything else is in my deck
I dont understand y throne of geth is in there. I see thats its for proliferating but im not seeing any artifacts. Unless saprolings are considered artifacts
also id like to say using your infinite mana combo gives quilspike the stats to one hit an opponent.. jsut to point out the obvious
quilspike plus devoted druid plus mana reflection equals 2 mana for tap 1 to untap rinse and repeat infinite mana. took me a little bit to get too
thanks to all of you and to surewhynot: I made 2 decks out of cards i actually own and those are my life and white3 weenie deck but some of the guildpact cards i dont own so i can test them. im gonna buy this deck soon but thats why im asking you guys i dont wanna buy cards that arent going to work. And seeing as youve made many more decks then me i thought youd have tips. which you did. Also yes i started realizing the sample hand button was to random when 1 out of 3 clicks i would get a 3 turn win on a deck on another acc =) and im trying to make his budget so fetid heath is out of the question !@! but thanks for the advice
dmoore that rule says only one on the field of any given name not in the deck
Tanks for taking the time to look and thanks for the tips but the reason i put from 2 to 4 basilicas is that it seems when i draw a sample hand that i never get mana and i took out my original marsh and Godless shrine do to the price. I tried to make it budget. and Do you really prefer tainted sigil to elixir of immortaility because elixir guarentees 5 life plus reshuffling my graveyard into my hand. which could possibly be alot if im facing a day of judgement play set in a deck. But You are good at magic so ill do it.
This Deck is pretty sweet and the amount of mana you stuck in it appears to be perfect. drawing sample hands it was seldom i didnt have enough mana for something.
lol accident from when i changed some cards earlier lol
ok so im not new but im newer and i was going thorugh your decks looking before i saw this one. Before i saw it i had my mind set on a B/W life gain drain deck and then i saw this. You my freind are a god at magic. You captured my idea of a deck perfectly. It rather Ironic to be honest. If you dont mind when i finish building my B/W deck would you take a look at it. PLease and Thank you
Bro thanks for the appreciation and I'm not insulting you but there is 24 mana basicly. You probly just didn't see the obelisk of bant
Thanks Bro i didnt even think about some of those cards. and i was a little hesitant about taking out empyhriam and herald but if uve won tournaments i trust you. Thanks
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