if i were running master of the feast this would be a completely different deck, but i really wanted to capitalize on necromancer and athreos for creature recursion. I'm not losing too much by playing tribal since most of the good aggressive w/b creatures are humans. Charm is a kill spell and taking them out completely wouldn't give me many answers to big creatures or things such as master of waves. With the addition of mutivault aristocrat is a little difficult to cast on turn 2 which is why i didn't go with the full 4 copies
The finisher is all the small creatures, it's an aggro deck so it's looking to smash face quickly, doesn't need 5 drops that i probably won't find the mana to cast. The minotaur is a 2/1 for 1 that can be bestowed later on. The problem with turn 1 thoughtseize turn 2 brain maggot is that i'm not doing any damage, if i were looking to disrupt my opponent til i got stuff going that would be a great plan but that's not what this deck wants to do. I do have another B/W list that does want to do that if you want to give that a look. Tormented hero isn't in there for heroic but again because he's a 2/1 for 1 that's also a human. I'll give your deck a look
but it can never gain life, which against a deck such as White Weenie is what i want to do
Pharika! Because Gorgon's are hot!
Again, what Mr Pendulum said and also he's not as easy to devote as say, Thassa is in mono blue, so he's not always going to bring board presence. Which this deck really wants to hit on turn 3. Thoughtseize is just a better card then brain maggot, it's cheaper and they don't get the opportunity to get their card back.
Keening apparation is a consideration, especially for the sideboard
There's not a whole lot of 3 toughness creatures that i'm worried about, and Pharika's cure is guaranteed to net me 2 life against aggro decks while blight will sometimes be a 2 for 1 but not always.
not a relevant enough creature on it's own
My thought is that aristocrat doesn't do much in this deck on it's own, i originally had precinct captain and that gave extra sac outlets for her, but now that the mana is wacky i took the captains out and therefore feel she's lost some usefullness. I think i'll take out a copy of gnarled scarhide and sovereign for 2 artisocrats for now and only play 3 mutavaults. If i feel aristocrat is exceptionally good in the new meta, i'll go ahead and cut a skyjek for another one. As for orzhov charm, i want all the removal i can get, however maybe it's correct to play 3 and one hero's downfall/banishing light
pharika's cure is for vs the other aggro decks, esp mono white aggro since i will be shocking and thoughtseizing (to be fair thoughtseize probably comes out against aggro) to lose life while they will not. I don't want to lose a race vs aggro decks and it also helps a lot if i have to be on the draw vs these decks. I'm not too worried about the amount of removal, most big creature decks i'll side in the extra banisher priest and possibly the devour fleshes.
Not a huge fan of Boros Elite and am a huge fan of Gnarled Scarhide (maybe too much of a fan :P) Though i usually have troubles activating Boros Elites ability til turn 4, which is too slow for what i want my one drops to be.
Thanks! :)
Spirit of the Labryinth doesn't fit the human theme here, and most decks that like to draw cards will most likely have to answer it before they take their time durdling to draw cards anyway.
Hmmm i don't like adding blue to the deck, Lyev Skynight is a good card but not worth splashing blue for alone and Verdict seems counter productive even with all the creature recursion. I may or may not have too much love for gnarled scarhide but he's such a damn good one drop with versatility later on. My only qualm with running a bunch of Cartel Aristocrat's is the ability to cast her on turn 2 with the recent addition of mutavaults (maybe 4 is too many?) This is the same reason i put daring skyjeck in place of Precinct captain. I do agree that she should be somewhere in the main deck though.
Thanks! I thought about putting God's willing in the side but wasn't even sure when i would side it in (maybe against mono black?) I think thoughtseize is overall a better card so it definitely gets the maindeck include. Definitely want Aristocrat but like i said i don't know what to take out and since adding mutavault she's a little hard to cast on turn 2.
I agree with Mr Pendulum, the amount of non damage removal is pretty high right now so i don't see him doing much against most decks except very creature heavy decks and red decks. He's also very much a defensive creature and this is an aggressive deck.
Although I do love brain maggot and want to put it in every black deck much like thoughtseize, it isn't exactly what this deck wants. It's just not aggressive, which is what that deck wants to be. Possibly in the side... and i don't see what elixir accomplishes.
TBH, completely forgot about them... yes, yes they do