i recommend dragonspeaker shaman to make playing those dragons quicker and easier
scratch that statement... only add sliver queen if your willing to make this a 5 colored deck, and since slivers vary in all 5 colors it wouldn't be a bad idea.
add sliver queen... really good for sliver decks
i recommend mirrorweave and Militia's pride.
good thing this Deck isn't competitive or you wouldn't be able to play tinker in any format. For casual its a pretty good deck.
I'm assuming this is the one turn kill combo with black locust? except people use shock instead of lighting bolt. but why three of each burn spell. since their one cost why not add in 4
good deck, at first i thought "how are you going to play 8 cost dragons" then i saw the mana accelerators. Your Vexing Shusher in your sideboard gave me a idea for my dragon deck.
put in form of the squirrel just to be funny. its an unset card though.
dude a tribal deck and you don't have coat of arms???????!!!!!!!!!!
actually making this deck when i can afford it (around $70.00) any criticism or any card recomendations would be great!
you should put in traumatize to be really mean
if your making a white black token deck i would strongly recommend martial coup over wrath of god. it does the same thing but you get quite a bit of 1/1 soldiers after you nuke everything.
i think a person who goes against this deck is gonna need quite a bit of infest's
i personally would go for more creatures because honestly 16 creatures isn't enough for 60 cards. may i recommend getting cheap 1 cost or 2 cost and enchanted them with death touch. theres bound to be some death touch enchantments in standard.
replace assassinate, there are better cards that do the same thing but cost less in M10
this is what i call a very mean deck.
too bad the deck would be around $100 to make and Nicol Bolas isn't in there. he's too good to not add!!!!
ironically i saw scavenger drake and dragon fodder in a Jund token deck. The strategy was to kill the tokens so cards like scavenger drake and Kresh the blood braided could gain a bunch of +1 +1 counters.
a good deck but one question... a burn deck without Chandra 0.0
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