No fatal push?
HAH I completely forgot about that, good call!
Do you think I should take treasure map out? I like it for the scry and treasures, but I won't have any other treasures to abuse the draw mechanic once it's flipped. Idk.
If I'm being honest, I rushed through making this before my tablet died and never came back to make my changes hahaha, but I do agree. I might even go down to two approach and add more control.
Exactly! Most ppl don't wanna terminate their own board, well if I'm down, ill do what I have to. Plus if it's a big amount, the life gain is a great extra push possibly giving you complete advantage in one card.
My teammate has a deck similar to this using aunties snitch, earwig, I believe he has the bandit as well. I'm not trying to.use his exact deck, but if either version wins. We both do lol. Most of my decks, I see one card, and try to build around it. He's a value, combo seeker. I'm a control guy. Team Happy Pizza on the rise!
Very true on all fronts. The mimics are a perfect fit. I really wish radiant destiny wasn't white, but just an artifact. Only reason I'm using fatal is, I'm a huge control player. If I can't dispose of a creature I don't want in your board state, it literally hurts my soul lol. But ill definitely add it all to my sideboard. I appreciate the feedback. I appreciate you like the deck as well.
I wish there was a love button. What do ya think about adding slitherhead to the sideboard?
I honestly can't argue with that! Throw in Emmy while ya can!
That's actually a good point! Thank you!
It's just a revamped version of a buddies deck, I probably honestly wouldn't buy it hahaha. I just think the amount of control feeding both graveyards would make tarmogogyf huge.
I definitely like both of those options better hahaha thanks. I though about sweltering suns as well..but Idk.
Yeah I just wanted something to beat out Lantern Control. Cheap way to deal with Ensnaring bridge. I'm running three serum visions, four opt, because opt gives me the instant speeding need. Although the extra scry is nice! I have a hard time making my mind up on counters. I'm usually a B/ U control guy. But I just wanna beat Lantern hahaha.
I know, it's more of a reassurance. I was actually thinking of dropping down to two, or just getting rid of it all together.
Ahh I though it was.
Is jace, vryns prodigy going to be unbanned when dominaria comes out?
Million dollar card lol
Yeah I realised that once I looked it up lol but yes, ancient stirrings is nice! I wish gitaxian probe was legal, this would be been a deaths shadow deck then lol.
Awesome! Definitely love the build!
Noice! If you proxy and play it, let me know how it turns out! Beast!
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