I was thinking both of those were too mana intensive for the deck, but I’m open to suggestions! I was toying around with a deck using chief engineer to help ramp into big artifacts
Also, not trying to come across brash, I appreciate the cards to think on
The last major event I played eleven at was GP Phoenix 2018... was 11-4 with pharika, seemed good enough there. Shapers Sanctuary is one I’m waiting on.. if it’s all sweepers it’s bad, but if it turns into a format using a ton of spot removal I’ll make some spots for it. Anger of the gods and supreme verdict are going to be the boogeyman for the format when it comes to small creature decks
Probably. I’m just looking for more flexibility. This card was played in modern elves and abzan compnay in modern. I can coco into it, make death touch creatures, it can attack on its own, indestructible... In an unknown meta I like the flexibility. Should note I’ll have a lot of olaytesting time before all the upcoming Magicfests
Pharika is great if your goal is to beat control, you exile your own creatures. Similar reasoning for thorn lieutenant
I love the card, but I couldn’t make the mana work
The deck I’ll be playing (potentially starting tomorrow)