
by Skrilla316 on 15 February 2012

Main Deck (60 cards)

Sideboard (15 cards)

Sorceries (4)

Artifacts (8)

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Deck Description

Won local FNM with this deck tonight. Straight green pre-board. This was my goal. Was trying to only use red mana for Wolf run, but there are some things green just can't deal with properly.

Increasing Savagery on Thrun or any trampler is insane. The turn after Titan comes out you can cast it from graveyard for the 10 counters (16/16 trampler always good). Spellskite=bad until you can blow it up.

1 mountain with multiple ways to get it should be fine with 7 dual lands. *hint* I used a white border mountain to find it easier.

Beast Within is excellent with Vorapede since he can eat the token and still land 2 damage (or come back bigger if they tag block)

Dawntreader Elk is 3 cost, chump blocking, Rampant growth that can be fetched with GSZ. Primary reason for Elk is after turn 1 BOP can still land an extra land (not many 3 cost). Also much better draw in those late game instances where everyone draws lands/junk cards for 4 turns(better than a late game Rampant growth).

GSZ + BOP is a good turn 2 alternative to rampant growth, though red can hurt. GSZ and Vorapede keep creatures on the table for Savagery.

Solemn Simulacrum can chump Mirran Crusader but is a bad Savagery target usually (dies to everything but gut shot lol, and you want the draw). BOP is an excellent target. I tapped out on turn 4 to put 5 counters on my (tapped) BOP and it bought me time against Tempered Steel to drop ratchet bombs and take over the game.

1 Ooze in case you need it to block.

Only included 1 Wolf Run because it really isn't necessary with Savagery+ 7 tramplers and 4 flyers all of which are searchable with GSZ. It's more for Thrun or BOP if they wipe the big guys.

Ratchet bomb beat red/delver and Tempered Steel, Tumble Magnet beat white (crusader etc), Thrun helped a lot against blue.

Didn't play spirits, but Ratchet Bomb and Slagstorm should be good for them.

Tumble Magnets and extra Acidic Slimes take care of Inkmoth from Kibler's Wolf Run deck, also Thrun with Savagery beats Inferno Titan.

Ratchet Bomb/ Extra Slimes Takes out Grafdigger's Cage.

Deck Tags

  • Mana Ramp

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Card Legality

  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Not Legal in Modern
  • Legal in Vintage
  • Legal in Legacy

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