Yeah, I'm in the same boat. I played a lot when revised was $3 a pack. I saved all of my old legends and duel lands, and thank god my mom put them in a trunk instead of selling them in a yard sale. When I went looking and did some research on what the cards are worth these days, I found a fortune.I've only been back since December 13' and am having SO MUCH FUN doing research and talking with people about where this game is headed. Commander has quickly become my favorite format. It's casual and exciting. You never know what kind of shenanigans will pop up!!
J/K…..I took out the Gaze of Granite, going to add in another Treasured Find instead.
Thanks for the advice! In a modern deck I find the torpor orb very useful both for me and against my opponent. I feel like I need some kind of board wipe in the main deck so I'm going to try and keep the Gaze of Granite but I'm dropping the O-stone (your right, it'll take way too long to pop) I really like the hurricanes to handle flyers and as a late game global burn spell. I'm definitely putting in the Primordial Hydras and Grisly Salvage for faster card draw and some beefy creatures. I'm also going to throw some Mistcutter Hydras in the side board for those pesky blue control jerks. I made a commander Golgari commander deck with Varolz as the general… should check it out. I wish many of those cards were in modern!!
$375.00? Sideborad included
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