
4 Decks, 11 Comments, 0 Reputation

While I love that combo, I simply don't have the money for an isochron scepter

Posted 03 September 2008 at 07:10 as a comment on Llawan Lockdown


I've been playtesting this deck and it's primary downfall is the number of different cards in it. To really cash in you have to get small artifacts out and then draw the Golems, Angel or an Enlightened tutor. There's too small a chance of this and it's risky. I've lost all multi and single player matches with this playtest so far, and though I love the idea, I think it needs a lot of refinement. Thoughts? Suggestions?

Posted 12 December 2007 at 01:59 as a comment on Gadgets and Angels


Yes, I don't have much defense, but this deck's designed for offense with the hope that it can power through. I do have the Rings in there which I've found very useful in playtests, so I think four suffice. The sideboard offers addition defense just in case. While I do love Cenn's Heir, I think one is fine, primarily because more means I'd have to swap for something, and all of the other creatures I think are a smidge better. Having 2+ militia's in play is useless, threatening risky dead draws.

Posted 12 December 2007 at 01:56 as a comment on March of the Kithkin


My concern with Fortune Thief is simply that it's a creature. With so many creature destruction cards, or attackers with "all creatures that can block must do so" out there, it's a little scary to have such a small creature on my field. With two enchantments they have to get at least two destroy enchantments off, which can be rough. I think what I may do though is throw some Fortune Thief cards in my sideboard just in case they're tearing through enchantments. Thanks for the comment!

Posted 11 December 2007 at 23:14 as a comment on King of the Tarnished Citadel


This deck fits the control concept very well, however I see no real way to defeat your opponent. You have some control creature cards, but that is highly dependent on them getting out some big creatures you can steal. If they're playing a weenie deck, or a deck focused around something other then creatures you might be in trouble.

Posted 11 December 2007 at 23:09 as a comment on Blue Control


As for the suggestions, while they're all good cards, they take away from the core of the deck, which is dropping Kithkin fast and charging. Rebuff, Tithe, and Isolation are good defense cards, but this deck is meant for offense, not defense. Oblivion Ring offer quick and easy protection - not perfect - but good enough to get things out of the way while the Kithkin assault. Serra is a good creature, especially for flying threats, but she doesn't any Kitkin tribal buffs, a deck necessity.

Posted 11 December 2007 at 06:30 as a comment on March of the Kithkin


I'm not really a tournament buff, and those I do play in are usually Legacy, but should I want to play Standard I think those changes could be easily made. Swapping out the two Blinding Lights for two Ivory Giants is one possibility. Cheap suspend cost, and synergy with the Greathearts, plus a free round of combat. The down side is, ideally, these would go out on turn 2 or 3, and if all goes well, your opponent should be dead by fifth or sixth. The Triumphs can be switched for Glorious Anthems.

Posted 11 December 2007 at 06:22 as a comment on March of the Kithkin


Game 4 was a little more challenging as I played against a weenie green tribal elf deck. The two decks faired pretty well against one another and the game kept going. I made a 2nd turn mistake and forgot to attack, but in the end when it came down to a token war, my 1/1's dropped by the Ranger and Militia's Pride with the aid of a Shared Victory and Wizened Cenn, were able to win the game. MVP so far is the Stalwart - perfect for applying quick and early pressure.

Posted 10 December 2007 at 11:39 as a comment on March of the Kithkin


Had my first playtest of this deck today. So far this deck is 3:1! The first 3 games I played against the Elemental precon from Lorwyn. The Kithkin got out at about the same rate as the elementals, only more powerfully, and grabbed the win in the first game on turn 5 with quick rushes. The second game left me with two mana, and some of the larger players in my hand. I had to sack the little guys as blockers, and eventually got ran over around turn 7. Game 3 ran much like game 1, securing a win.

Posted 10 December 2007 at 11:37 as a comment on March of the Kithkin


Thanks for your comment! Dropped out Remembrance and one Plains to make it down to 60.

Posted 09 December 2007 at 21:52 as a comment on March of the Kithkin


Thanks for the comments and suggestions! I replaced Impatience with Manabarbs since, between that and Powersurge, it does a lot more damage. I also had no idea about Rebuff the Wicked and am psyched now that you brought this card to my attention! It is vital in this deck to keep the forerunners unscathed, though my enchantments (hopefully) will take care of that. I did however throw it in my sideboard replacing the Pyroblasts. I also replaced 2 Disenchants with 2 Oblivion Rings in my sideboard.

Posted 09 December 2007 at 18:28 as a comment on King of the Tarnished Citadel
