I understand why malestrom pulse is in the deck but after thinking about it I've reversing my previous comment to "taking out the 2 terminate for another 2 malestrom pulses". I don't see how if they thougth hemorrhage the seismic assault that it would be game over; the deck still has aggro creatures, bitterblossoms, and loxodon warhammers. But if your worried about thought hemmorage, faster decks, or combo decks try thoughtseize. I know that with bitterblossom and ad nauseam that you're already losing alot of life but thoughtseize could be just enough to turn the game in your favor by getting rid of any threats. I don't know what to suggest to get seismic assault more often other than to put another one in the deck. I would say you don't want anymore ad nauseam as the chance of hitting one with an ad nauseam increase which losing 5 life for a useless card at that point in the game just sucks.
Nevermine about the Damnation comment, I didn't realize this was a standard legal deck. But the deck seems interesting.
You mention how good Bitterblossom / Warhammer are after Wrath so why not use Damnation in the sideboard to board sweep other aggros, which will still give you a 4/1 flier. Just a suggestion but I would sideboard the 2 Maelstrom Pulse for 2 more Terminate.
Try Weirding Shaman and Warren Weriding as both make you sacrifice a goblin and in return give you more golbins to sacrifice for Shenanigans.
Nantuko Husk is in the deck as a means of sacrificing creatures to kill theirs plus making it big for massive damage. I forgot that I was going to run Shenanigans in the sideboard and thanks for the Replica idea.
Yeah that's one of the reasons I only put 2 in the deck instead of 4. Though I most of the times I never play Elspeth as I've pretty much won by the time I draw it.