i would get rid of the green in the deck entirely and change the giant growth's for vampires bites.
all added to the deck
giant growth...
haha. yeah, diabolic tutor kinda rocks. maybe for the sideboard put in tempered steel. i have a myr deck and having multiple of those on the field makes any myr a threat. also, control cards for the SB like DofJ, journey to nowhere, doom blade, go for the throught, duress, ect, ect.
i like it allot! another card that i have seen do this exact thing is fireball and red suns zenith. maybe throw in some dual lands and put them in for the tutors?
i kow this changes the deck allot, but try adding trinket mages to search for the everflowing chalices, contagion engines to mass proliferate them, some red mana and red suns zenith and fireballs as another win condition. fireball for 20 dmg? i think so. also, i think you should get rid of the archmage ascension. i've played with it too, and it just takes WAY too long to go off, and by the time you do get it to go off, you have already drawn all the cards you would search for anyways. also, with culling dais, you would need a way to mass produce creatures and creature tokens. the 10 creatures you do have are not ones that you would be willing to sac. take it out.
seems like killing this deck is as easy as killing the liquimetal coating. adding some protection for it would be good. best card i can think of is indomitable archangel, but that is triple White.
well, when you polymorph into a fatty, losing that land isnt that big of a deal. plus, after playing it allot, you end up with more land then needed most of the time. another option instead of the origin spellbombs or wind zendikons is mortar pod, but i figured that costed to much and on turn 2, having a mana leak or doom blade up was better.
why aggressive urge? arent there better cards for the same effect?
i think add 1 more swamp and take out 1 more plains. all my test hands had way to little black mana.
what about overgrown battlement?
one word. omnath.
i agree with ajfuhrer. also, only 1 steel sabotage isnt really doing much. switch it out for another sword.
lol. i love the squirrel decks. XD
i think you should add cemetery reaper in place of severed legion. he is just a better zombie for the 3 drop slot.
i definitely like the idea for a draw deck with Blue suns zenith and the new sphinx. another card that i think would work well is sphinx of megosi. It gives you a big body to protect you and lets you draw more cards.
try adding a couple myr turbine's. they let you search for those artifacts you need.
why the everflowing chalice? it just gets in the way of shape anew and with only 1, its hard to bring it out even with the trinket mages. i say switch the trinket mages out with masters call. having an instant speed spell that gives you 2 artifacts seems better to me.
wow, this looks beastly. definitely want to try it out now.