I would take out Eternal of Harsh Truths (cost 3 and you need to attack with it to have it trigger, earliest you can do this is turn 4 and i feel like on turn 4 you want to be doing way more than that), Grim Lava Mancer (good, but takes cards out of the graveyard which you want for your deadhorde arcanist) then maybe get rid of the ptermander since you only have 1, the thermo- alchamist because i feel that is a better card the more lands you have, but you dont want the game to go long, maybe take out one mind bomb because it does hurt you as well, so you dont want to do toooo much damage to yourself. that leaves you with 3 more to cut out.
I think some rare lands would make this deck so much better!
Love it, better than mine!
Thanks man, i appreciate the comment, check out my other decks!
love this!
THANK you!
Awesome, let me know when it's completed. Thank you.
Thank you very much, I know the mana curve is a problem right now and I dont know many other cards that destroy lands before turn 4
I'd love it if you could check out some of my other decks I just uploaded
wow man, that was awesome, I'm extremely grateful for the comment and will take it into full consideration
Any help would be appreciated!