I agree that only one or two Isumarus are needed. Perhaps cut two, and go up to a playset of Kamis of False Hope?
I'd suggest cutting one or two of the bonescythes for a different type of sliver. Maybe the 5 mana +2+2 sliver?
I really like this, however, I would suggest cutting three apostles in favor of three shadowborn demons. Hey, you've got the apostles already, so it couldn't hurt to at least sideboard the SB demons.
Looks great, my only suggestion here would be maybe, not definitely, but maybe add one more playset of cheap equipment, just to ensure that Sunspear Shikari and Raksha will definitely be equipped.
Great idea, my only suggestion would be to replace one of the Firebrands with Nalaar or Ablaze, for some variety. Besides that, it looks really good.