fit in hatred and wall of blood, ( combo part one) and surestrike trident and rite of consumption (combo part two) automatic kill, if you have more life than your opponent.
Then, when one or more hatchlings are in play, a few rituals to fuel a Mind Shatter can be good, as well as Cranial Extractions to finish the job, once you've seen his hand with Thoughtseize. All of this removing counters from them Hatchlings. At the same time, Dusk Urchin is getting weaker, and he's going to replenish my hand. Also, my graveyard is getting bigger: let's draw with Skeletal Scrying since one of my hatchling has lifelink and since I have so much mana.
hatchlings are one black mana to play, the 2 mana lands provide the colorless, and the rituals, the boost.