No more Myrs. Happy? I don't like myrs either, I try to only use them as a last resort when I can't think of anything else
The only two infinite mana combos I could think of at the time were -sprout swarm + mana echos OR intruder alarm and -myrs I didn't want to splash a third (and possibly fourth) color/ was too lazy to do so. Myrs it is.
Where's the fun in that?
This is the only ruling I found on that subject: "In a casual game, the cards you cast from outside the game come from your personal collection. In a sanctioned event, those cards must come from your sideboard. Note that you can't cast cards from exile this way; exile is a zone in the game." This deck is not intended for "sanctioned" events, so go nuts :D
You know what card would work wonders in this deck? Forests. They're 0 casting cost lanowar elves with haste and they're freaking amazing at speeding up green decks. Best of all? They ignore the 4 card limit rule. Best. Card. Ever.
I used to have a deck very similar to this one , but with fewer elves, and with a bit of white splashed on. I love sprout swarm :) you don't need to give the saplings haste because taping the sapling is an ability of convoke, not an an activated ability of the sapling==no haste needed I would add mana echos (get colorless mana whenever a creature enters the battlefield) so that -sapling enters, +4 colorless, tap the sapling that just entered, -1 green = sprout swarm infinite times My experience is that any deck that revolves around sprout swarm desperately needs life gain, so -add any of: leyline of vitality, essence warden, toil to renown, etc. also, quest for renewal works wonders with sprout swarm
21-26 of 26 items