
7 Decks, 3 Comments, 0 Reputation


Posted 30 October 2010 at 21:01 as a comment on Member Database


umm just one change i'd make would be replacing mind control with volition reins, it costs one more U sure but it also allows you to take any permanent, inlcuding pyromancers and pesky valas that your opponent is being annoying with
also replacing some of the mountains/ islands with scalding tarns/teramorphic expanse/evolving wilds would allow you to thin your deck out, meaning you'd get all your combos faster

Posted 24 October 2010 at 11:42 as a comment on Mage Reverberate Ascension


i think running pyromancer's ascension in this deck would work really well, you already have all the cantrips, cause the idea of using the kilin fiend and precursor are cool, but i feel like atleast with precursor having the spells duplicated would provide even more of an impact? and if all else fails then atleast with pyromancer you can just burn them out heres the combo deck im playing
the idea behind it is different but im sure you can see the benefits of pyromancer from looking at it

Posted 24 October 2010 at 11:17 as a comment on U/R Kiln Precursor
