
by Silverfish050292 on 23 December 2010

Main Deck (60 cards)

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Deck Description

Simple aggro deck featuring insects. Arcbound Stinger for fast attacks. Ferropede to speed up Deadly Grub or help against Planeswalkes/Infect/Quests or anything else. Living Hive for late game and to throw Elemental Resonance on. Ant Queen for swarm. Giant Ambush Beetle to take out opponents important creatures. Giant Solifuge, Sctue Mob, and Unyaro Bees for attackers. Mortipede to clear the field for attackers (specifically Ferropede). Gleancrawler for obvious reasons. Braid of Fire and Elemental Resonance for mana gain. Doubling season to max out token generation and power up Scute Mob. Coat of Arms to power up everything.

Strategy wise, I try to get out Arcbound Stinger, Deadly Grubb, and Braid of Fire fast, then go for Coat of Arms. Then focus on defending and mana ramping, while using Giant Ambush Beetle to mess up my opponent and whitling the opponent down with other attackers. Finally, hit hard with token generation from Ant Queen and Living Hive with Doubling Season. I would try to throw a Elemental Resonance on Gleancrawler and Living Hive to help fuel Ant Queen.

Deck Tags

  • Tribal

Deck at a Glance

Social Stats


This deck has been viewed 633 times.

Mana Curve

Mana Symbol Occurrence


Card Legality

  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Legal in Modern
  • Legal in Vintage
  • Legal in Legacy

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