
0 Decks, 2 Comments, 1 Reputation

*Sorry, in that last paragraph I meant to say I took out Bladed Pinions as well.

Posted 18 July 2011 at 16:03 in reply to #182160 on STOMP STOMP STOMP


This is a really nice deck man, well done. The most expensive card is (I think) Liege of the Tangle, and that's not too pricey at all. I built a variant of this and have been beating the crap out of my friends in our casual matches with it.

A couple of changes I made, in case you're interested: I assumed Pelakka Wurm was in there for the card drawing mainly, so I swapped for Garruk's Packleader, which is much more efficient at card drawing and combos nicely with Rampaging Baloths and Lurking Predators.

I liked the Cultivate combo with Rampaging Baloths a lot, especially when I had a Garruk's Packleader in play, so I put 4 in instead of 2. Same with Overwhelming Stampede, so I swapped the Might of the Masses out for two more of them.

I prefer Fog to Blunt the assault, so I swapped that out.

I streamlined down to the main combo effects by taking out Nature's Spiral, Blanchwood Armor, Awakener Druid and Whispersilk Cloak. I know that leaves you vulnerable to fliers and targeted removal, but when you can swing for 30+ trample damage on turn 5 it doesn't really matter. I keep Azuri's Archers and Whispersilk Cloak in my side-deck in case I match up badly against fliers or removal/control.

Posted 18 July 2011 at 15:58 as a comment on STOMP STOMP STOMP
