
5 Decks, 17 Comments, 0 Reputation

What do you guys think of the small changes I made to this deck? Id love some criticism if possible.

Posted 24 March 2013 at 12:59 as a comment on Knight Deck


How many breeding pits do u think I need?

Posted 02 March 2012 at 22:50 in reply to #160836 on Old School Black Deck


Honestly, the other knights are better. Id rather have them in the deck then White Knight.

Posted 19 February 2011 at 13:36 in reply to #131357 on Knight Deck


What else should I add? 19 Creatures seems like a good amount to me. There really isnt any other good creatures to out in here from standard.

Posted 16 September 2010 at 07:25 in reply to #87512 on Knight Deck


Just saw the cost efficient part haha So forget everything I said. But for being a low cost deck, def not to bad!


Posted 13 September 2010 at 22:47 as a comment on Landfall


There r def some better cards you could put in here. I would take out Groundswell and Vines of Vastwood. I would add Explore so you can play another land and draw a card. Then I would add some dual lands and maybe some fetch lands, and some other creatures that have better landfall abilities. Check out my deck and you might get some better ideas for this deck. So far its good though!


Posted 13 September 2010 at 22:46 as a comment on Landfall


Nice deck man. I really like it. Mine is sort of similar, but I go a slightly different route then you do. I made it a little while back, and have been doing some modifications on it. Check it out and let me know what you think of it!

Deck link:


Posted 12 September 2010 at 09:41 as a comment on Knights of the Round Table


I made a deck that well, very similar to this deck about 4 weeks ago. Looks good but I dont think the Ruin Ghost really works that well in here. I mean I know u can use it for the landfall ability for Admonition, but u might as well put in Journey to Nowhere to be able to exile instead. Other then that, pretty solid.


Posted 12 September 2010 at 08:20 as a comment on Angelic Control


hey man. Im runnung a very similar deck. Go and check it out!

Deck link:


Posted 08 September 2010 at 09:15 as a comment on Overwhelming Stampede


2x Elixir of Immortality
2x Whispersilk Cloak

4x Knight of the White Orchid
4x Student of Warfare
4x Knight Exemplar
4x White Knight

3x Ajani's Mantra
3x Honor of the Pure
3x Journey to Nowhere
3x Leyline of Sanctity
3x Armored Ascension

22x Plains

3x Day of Judgment

Just an idea. Let me know what u think. This could be a pretty sweet deck!


Posted 05 September 2010 at 11:08 as a comment on Knights of DeMarea


-4x Cloud Crusader
-1x Luminarch Ascension
-2x Solemn Offering
-2x Safe Passage
-1x Silence

+4x Knight of the White Orchid
+4x Student of Warfare
+2x Day of Judgment
+1x Honor of the Pure
+1x Journey to Nowhere
+1x Armored Ascension
+1x Leyline of Sanctity
+1x Ajani's Mantra
+5x Plains

I just noticed ur not even running a 60 card deck! So I gave you an idea work to work with. Let me know what u think. Ill post a deck with with the reconstructed ideas that I gave you.


Posted 05 September 2010 at 11:00 as a comment on Knights of DeMarea


I def have to agreed with the comment above. Not so much about the Ajani's Mantra, but more with the fact that you need more creatures. Take a look at my deck and you might be able to get a couple of ideas from it. Great concept your working on though, just needs a few tweaks!

Deck link:


Posted 05 September 2010 at 10:41 as a comment on Knights of DeMarea


Hey. I like some of the ideas with this deck, but u def have to cut down the size of ur deck. 73 cards is way to much.I would get rid of Blessing and Holy Strength. Get rid of Caravan Escort and Goldenglow Moth and replace with Knight Exemplar and Student of Warfare. Student is the best one drop Knight u can get ur hands on. Other then that not bad. Check out my White Knight deck and maybe u can get some ideas!

Posted 26 August 2010 at 08:52 as a comment on Knights Honor


Check out my white night deck. I think u will be able to grab a lot of good ideas for ur deck. I def agree with putting in Day of Judgment. Armored Ascension would be a great way to give some of ur Knights flying and also to buff them up a bit. Think about adding Sigiled Paladin, it only cost 2 mana and has exalted, which working with Armored Ascension could give u a very large flying creature to attack with. Just some ideas. Give my deck a look. Let me know what u think!

Posted 26 August 2010 at 08:38 as a comment on White Knights


Hey man. I like ur deck. I just mad a mill/draw deck. Was wondering if u could check it out and let me know what u think of it. I need some help and suggestions. Thanx!

Posted 01 August 2010 at 23:35 as a comment on Deck Challenge: Standard Mill


Nice deck man. I like what I see. Im def thinking about putting Archdruid in mine soon. Check mine out and let me know what u think!

Posted 27 July 2010 at 18:56 as a comment on elf deck


Nice deck man. I just made a similar one about a week ago. Check it out, let me know what u think!

Posted 21 July 2010 at 09:58 as a comment on Mono White Life-Gain
