Power from the Grave

by Siehe on 13 April 2014

Main Deck (60 cards)

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Deck Description

Hello ! This deck is based on milling your creatures into the graveyard so you would be able to pull out your big creatures that profits from your milled creatures - Boneyard Wurm , Splinterfright and Ghoultree which are the core of the deck...

There are other creatures that helps you to mill cards and fill your graveyard... Those are Armored Skaab and Screeching Skaab . Armored Skaab can also be used as a good defense with 4 toughness in earlier phases of the game...

The rest of the creatures are those ,,mana acceleration'' creatures that gives you some mana and also they can be sent to graveyard to pump up Boneyard Wurm , Splinterfright and Ghoultree ... Those creatures are Viridian Emissary and Dawntreader Elk ... I also put in Birds of Paradise becouse they are really good source of whatever mana you need... Together it makes 29 creatures - it's a lot but you need them all becouse milling spells or lands is useless for you...

As for the spells I used Wreath of Geists becouse it's effect is simply amazing for this deck... It gets a HUGE boost to every of your core creatures... Mainly Splinterfright is an awesome target for it becouse of it's trample that can put a game to the end... Next spell is Increasing Confusion which is good move for milling, and if you mill it before it's not a problem thanks to its flashback which makes you mill twice as many cards... So another feeding for core creatures... Tracker's Instincts is a good card for finding creatures you need at the moment... Also fills your graveyard a little bit more and it's not a problem when it's milled becouse it's flashback allows you to cast it again... Artful Dodge i have this here in a case your opponent would produce huge amount of smaller creatures whose would be able to block your huge monsters for eternity, so this card will allow you to quickly finish the game... It also has flashback so it can be casted from graveyard...

In this deck I have 20 lands - It's enough becouse cards like Birds of Paradise , Viridian Emissary and Dawntreader Elk gives you the rest of the mana you need... There are 10x Forest , 6x Island and 4x Hinterland Harbor ...

So thats all about the deck..... If you like it hit a like button, if not all suggestions and advices are appreciated !!! Thank you very much :)

How to Play

See thereinbefore :)

Deck Tags

  • Green
  • Blue
  • Self Mill
  • Modern

Deck at a Glance

Social Stats


This deck has been viewed 446 times.

Mana Curve

Mana Symbol Occurrence


Card Legality

  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Legal in Modern
  • Legal in Vintage
  • Legal in Legacy

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