White/Blue Heroic

by SickSense on 13 January 2014

Main Deck (61 cards)

Sideboard (15 cards)

Enchantments (6)

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Deck Description

A simple Heroic Deck I have been tweaking for some time now, not sure what to sideboard really, but for control decks this seems to be what might help to keep creatures on the board, as most heroic decks need to be quick and get damage in fast to win.

After playing with a deck like this, I have notice that if it goes into late game the deck falls short, so the key is to build up a Fabled Hero (preferred, but others will work too, since Ajani can give Double Strike) and swing for the fence with some counters on it.

Daxos of Meletis is just being tested right now, but offers some good Playability, so if you took him out you'd be at 60 Cards, so Keep that an FYI. . .

How to Play

Turn 1 - Plains/Hallowed Fountain ----> Favored Hoplite, Solider of Pantheon,
Turn 2 - Plains/Hallowed Fountain ----> Phalanx Leader, Precinct Captain, Battlewise Hoplite
Turn 3 - Plains/Island ----> Fabled Hero (ideal here) or two One drops with a buff to Phalanx leader for counters for all.
Turn 4 - Plains/Island -----> Having Fabled Hero out, drop a Aqueous From, Plus a Ordeal of Thassa, swing for 10 unblockable then Draw 2 cards since Ordeal Has it's three Counters once you swing.
Turn 5 = Win, Swing unblockable with fabled again, or buff him again to hit harder, Gift of Orzhova to just be mean =). Swing for 14 plus lifelink.

Now that's based on a perfect hand, there is a lot of other options here as You may not get the right card draws, but that's why Thassa is in here as well as Ajani. Srcying will come in handy and Ajani can make anyone Fly with Double Strike so keep that in mind.

If things get interesting before you know you can win that's where Hidden Strings come into play. Tap their creatures to swing in for free, then Cipher it to the attacking creature that deal combat damage to the player and then you get to cast Hidden Strings again for no mana cost untaping your Heroic creature that attacked to gain more counters. Or you can untap one mana to play a creature spell then hit Phalanx to buff them all if that was the one you swung in with and ciphered to. In most cases I put Hidden strings on Battlewise Hoplite or Fabled hero, but Phalanx is a good target too if you can keep building counters this way.

Deck Tags

  • Standard
  • Heroic
  • Weenie
  • Aura

Deck at a Glance

Social Stats


This deck has been viewed 7,453 times.

Mana Curve

Mana Symbol Occurrence


Card Legality

  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Legal in Modern
  • Legal in Vintage
  • Legal in Legacy

Deck discussion for White/Blue Heroic

You sir are my hero and I shall follow you into the maw of hell... Not really, I have dry skin and the heat would be murder on it... But again thanks for the insight I look forward to your future builds in the future!

Posted 13 January 2014 at 23:16


Thanks Sway, I plan to try to build another version here soon just different colors. I'll reply back to your post on your deck in a second, trying to tie up some loose ends first haha.

Posted 13 January 2014 at 23:56



Posted 13 January 2014 at 23:41


There is One at the moment in there, there may be a possibility for more, just a 3 Drop is High against Control players that will simply wipe him out. . .

He's being play tested right now, and has come to my aide a few times against agro decks, so that's where side boarding in more might work.

Posted 13 January 2014 at 23:42


I cannot begin to tell you how vast and intense my hatred is for hoplite decks! >_< Fast aggro and annoyingly plain and bleh. There is nothing creative or fun about them. I have beat them enough but they are sooo stupid!

Posted 13 January 2014 at 23:50


To those their own I suppose? I mean I think this deck is one of the funniest I have played, that's why I go back to it. Like you said Fast Aggro, and can win in turn 5 if you're not paying attention to what can happen as a opponent to this deck.

The Creative thing about them is to how to use the heroic abilities to your advantage and when to trigger them. . . Anyone can throw cards down and turn them on an aggro deck, but it comes down to timing too in this deck especially VS a control deck. Plus I mean how plain and bleh is a control deck? You counter after counter and then delete creatures, seems pretty much the same thing over and over there too right? After a while all decks are plain and bleh, that's why we build new ones to try something NEW and exciting out. I just started playing Magic a few months ago and have been to 4 FNM's, so I am still learning. But my record with this deck speaks for it self too. Lot of people are actually surprised, considering I can beat some $200-$300 decks with just a upgraded version of the event Theros deck.

Posted 14 January 2014 at 00:03


Timmy's always hate Spike-ish aggro decks they always die to you before they get to do anything relevant.

Posted 18 March 2015 at 12:51


what about an ordeal of heliod?

Posted 14 January 2014 at 03:21


It's in the looks right now, I am not really so much worried about gaining health, as I noticed that most times I don't get the 3 counters (to gain the health) before a creature is some how removed, but it's being considered.

Posted 16 January 2014 at 01:59


The deck is fairly weak against spot and mass removal, so I'd run three copies of mizzium skin in the sideboard. Its a great card for heroic activation too. I think Thassa and Ajani are kinda out of place and would drop them for more target spells or more card drawing. Regardless, its a cool post. Goodluck!

Posted 14 January 2014 at 04:21


I agree. Fate foretold and chosen by heliod are possibilities. They allow you to draw and target.

Posted 14 January 2014 at 05:42


I agree it is weak against removal, but with and REAL control deck it will be hard to keep creatures on the board as is, regardless of the deck or creatures you have in it. Thus that's why there is a lot and low drops that way I can overwhelm them and get my damage in quick before it get nasty for me. As with most control decks the more mana they have open the worse it can be fore the opponent.

Thassa is in for the Scry, which once she is on the board she pretty much sits there until they get a removal like say D Sphere or the like. Plus the ability to make creatures unblockable has won games for me alone too. I didn't originally have her in the deck, but I pull two from boosters and tried her out and well I am quite impressed in how she plays with my cards to be honest. Scrying really is the help as it gets cards I don't really need off the top of my deck.

As for Ajani, he's just a fun 3 drop that can be dangerous in the right match up. I have had on a few accounts tokens actually hit the board. Mostly he is a nice 3 drop to get a couple Double strikes out of since I only have 4 Double Strike creatures, this just adds to the carnage I can deal. Though, he may go, I am testing him right now too, to see if I like him in the end. 2 More gift of Orzhova's need to make their way in for sure though I know, as that card has won me matches time in and time out.

As I agree Mizzium skins are a good choice to choose. I am currently play testing them ATM. I will see how I like them against a control match up. The only thing I hate about having these in my starting hand though it seems nice is they tend to be Duressed or Thoughtsiezed out. Fate foretold is in the side board as well as with times when I know creatures will die fast I can toss one of those one to get 2 cards for 3 mana pretty much, 1 mana for the creature, and 2 for the spell it self. I have been testing against a black devotion deck as well as a black blue and blue decks. So far it has faired not to bad as long as I pull the right mana, and a lot of it banks on the blue to get my enchantments down. But even then just over loading them with one drops I noticed can be killer too.

I play this deck as aggressive as I can and especially in a match up against control, I make sure to play my cards at the right moment and sideboard in my cards I need to get my creatures to hit and stay on the board. So far it's gone rather well. Not saying it doesn't have it's weaknesses, but I feel that more creatures and less enchantments is a must, since they enchantments are doing me no good if I don' have creatures to do anything with.

Thanks for the comments and they are being worked in to this deck if they test well.

Posted 16 January 2014 at 02:20


Have you looked at ethereal armor? You have quite a few enchantments so it could prove useful. +1 this deck.

Posted 14 January 2014 at 05:40


I agree completely

Posted 14 January 2014 at 19:59


I like the card, I just don't see it working well since the creatures usually don't have enough enchantments on them to make a full use of them, but I will play test them as I know I want to soon. Plus I usually see the creature get wiped off the board before Ethereal Armor proves to be great. Sideboard is a maybe since against a non-control deck it could prove to be nasty on top of Gift of Orzhova and Aqueous Form.


Posted 16 January 2014 at 02:22


Hi man. I thing this deck need some creature or some hard spell to late game...
When you dont finish game in time you dont have many chance. But nice deck.

And of course i want to be wait for: http://www.magicspoiler.com/mtg-spoiler/temple-enlightenment/

Posted 14 January 2014 at 10:32


My Games usually only last about 5-10 mins as my little weenies usually overrun the board or I get one big hitter to 5/5-7/7 with double strike and or lifelink to pretty much make people's head lower in defeat. Higher creature cards with higher mana will pretty much just leave them open to be countered by my opponent as where I play, a lot of folks run control . Thus being able to lay down 2-3 cards down a turn makes it harder for them to control me as I can still poke in for some damage.
But thanks for the comment as there is always room for improvement.

Posted 16 January 2014 at 02:25


I love this deck! Its fast and can be deadly!!! Do you care if I copy this deck?

Posted 14 January 2014 at 21:04


Copy it to your MTG Vault decks like you mean?

Posted 16 January 2014 at 02:26


Hidden strings is ganna be a staple for Blue Heroic decks. Mark my words.

Posted 14 January 2014 at 21:32


I is kind of a under played card, yet fits SO SO SO well with a heroic deck running blue in it. . People don't understand how it works the first time they see it though, that's the funny part. 2 possible heroic triggers on 2 creatures seems rather nice for a 2 drop, especially on a Phalanx Leader. People see that and then they go wait let me ask a judge if that's how that's suppose to work. I laugh and say go ahead the judge is the one that told me to run it lol.

I now see so many people duress or thoughtsieze this out of my hand when they see it, so funny. Plus it fairs really well on Fable Hero or when Ajani gives someone double strike as if you can land the first strike on the player to deal damage you get to trigger the Cipher on Hidden Strings and then can trigger the heroic again to make the second swing go in for 1 more extra damage. . So funny when people see this happen and go WTF?

Posted 16 January 2014 at 02:30


I always thought Gridlock would be great for Heroic Decks, because you hold back all your guys on defense, then pop off a ton of Heroic triggers on one spell.

Posted 15 January 2014 at 13:37


I'll look in to this, thanks for the info. Just not sure how I like the Idea of tapping my creatures instead of attacking for one turn, but we will see.

Posted 16 January 2014 at 02:31


Mot bad im running a heroic deck similar but have thrown in lavinia of the tenth as when it enters you detain all oppents non land permanents with converted mana 4 or less. Possibly also throw in some ordeal of heliod instead of thassa as you can gain 10 life this way, and dauntless onslaught as it boosts 2 creatures +2/+2 giving you double heroic if u can target phalanx leader and fabled hero for massive boost to double strike.

Posted 15 January 2014 at 14:36


I like Dauntless Onslaught, but when I tested it, I just didn't see the utility as I have running right now. . But I may re test it to see how it fairs. Thank you

Posted 16 January 2014 at 02:32


Deffo going to have to add hidden strings to my deck though.

Posted 16 January 2014 at 09:17


zomajhauc has deleted this comment.

Posted 15 January 2014 at 14:36


Rootborn defenses is pretty good for protection against boardwipe.

Posted 16 January 2014 at 14:33


missing triton tactics bro.

Posted 16 January 2014 at 21:59


looks BRUTAL once you get just 2 or 3 creatures out!
nice job!
but joaomendes is right, needs triton tactics

Posted 20 January 2014 at 00:30


I tried Triton Tactics in the sideboard last week and I could see some use for it. . . For a one Drop it can come in handy for sure, But I think I may instead use Mizzium skins for the hexproof vs Control, and then be able to overload it for for 1B 1C. Still testing. Just with BoTG coming out soon this deck will be changing and I think for the better. I like the New Blue White God for sure and her Enchantment card.

Posted 25 January 2014 at 21:42


Your build was my inspiration man i started playing magic 2 weeks ago and started of with the theros event deck.. my deck is now quite simillar to yours. you think gift of orzhovya's is a fit for this deck? if so can u explain? cause aqueous form gives u for 1 blue drop unblock and scry isnt it better to have 4 of those instead? Because I beleive the main point here is to explode with 3 spells each 1 drop on a heroic(pref fabled hero) and deal 10+ dmg putting enemies in shock... its also a better tactic against control decks for quick strong bursts of damage they cant counter when u put gods willing. and one last thing why soldier of the pantheon?

Posted 27 January 2014 at 12:10


That's awesome to heat, I hope you are enjoying Magic. Sicksense has given me VERY detailed feedback and information on a build very similar to this if you want to read up on it. I just recently posted last weeks FNM results so if you have any questions feel free to ask.


Posted 27 January 2014 at 16:24


I don't think Gift of Orzhova is a FIT, I think it's perfect for what it offers for a 3 Drop. Gives a friendly the heroic trigger (Personal Favorite is Fable Hero) then gives it another +1/1 from the card's text so thus you slap that on a Fabled hero you're a 4/4 with Double strike + liftlink. Not a bad combo in my opinion and I have won games with this card alone since it "can" be a form of evasion/unblockable if they are not running flyers (as very few people I play against run Flying creatures) and I put it in here to combat Flyers if need be. I know they have a Pegasus with heroic for this, but I just didn't like how it played when I tested it. a 3 drop is pretty fast in my opinion with what it offers to a creature card.

Playing against a lot of removal that tend to delete my creatures off the board a 3 drop fabled followed by this can most time win me the game if it resolves for more than a turn or two. That's where my protection spells come in handy like rootborn defenses, god's willing, and brave the elements. God's willing is nice since it gives a heroic trigger too, but the others are just there to keep my creatures alive and well for the turn. Usually against control decks I sideboard those in and take a couple creatures out and enhancement spells so thus I am still creature heavy to overwhelm the, usually keeping all 4 playsets of the 1 and two drops and usually tossing out a couple fabled heros as usually they can't resolve long enough to matter against a heavy control deck. It's all in who you play of course so sideboard accordingly. I like my deck to play fast and aggressive and get them ticked down on health quickly because a deck like this can't last late game, it's totally a turn 4-8 win deck for the most part if pulling the right cards.

Personally I love Aqueous Form, for both reasons you stated, but I found that Thassa, once she hit the board, was more viable, as I could give multiple targets unblockable with her and scry on my upkeep as well each turn. I at one point did Run 2 of Thassa and 2 Aqueous Forms so I had the best of both worlds. Look into Thassa I don't think you will be disappointed, though I know she is expensive. I got a luck 2 back to back in boosters I bought so thus I had to try her and I really like her. But no, you are right, the game here especially against control decks is to lay down quick and buff quick to get damage in ASAP to win, we can't win late game it's evident by the cards at hand. I just find Thassa to help me scry away the crap I don't need like lands if I am where I need to be or scry into them if I need them. It's personal preference here I think and if you don't like Thassa, stick with A forms they are still amazing.

And well buddy, my question to you is, WHY not Soldier of Pantheons? By far the best 1 drop in my deck, I'd almost say better than some of the 2 drops ha ha. For one, with so many people playing Mulicolor around my parts I can have 2 down by turn 2 and then when the opponent starts casting multicolor spells I gain 1 health per pantheon and he is protected from multicolor, it's a Excellent one drop in my opinion. He can block any multicolor creature and not take any damage, doesn't matte if they are a 6/6 or 10/10, he can block it and still live. Only thing he can't block is trample thru damage but still he's a great asset to have I HIGHLY recommend him.

If you have any other questions don't hesitate to ask man! Glad to see you enjoying the heroics of magic, as this is my first time playing magic as well as soon as the Theros block hit. And I have to say it's quite fun.

Posted 28 January 2014 at 22:00


like the use of hidden strings.

could you help me out with my white weenie deck.

Posted 29 January 2014 at 12:11


I recieved a thassa on a booster today :D u really think her utility is worth the 3 drops? so 1 thassa 3 aqua forms? cause a.form is amazing with ordeal ethernal armor and hidden strings where it allows u to deal combat damage and use chiper and if u were to make this a 55 card deck which cards would u take out? which are least important for it ?

Posted 30 January 2014 at 00:40


and why not have Nivmagus Elemental on the list hes insane with heroics

Posted 30 January 2014 at 01:24


I think her utility is great for this deck, the scry on the up keep and then being able to make creatures unblockable so long as you have the mana can then cover at least 2 A.Forms easy. . . Plus once she resolves making a creature unblockable with her ability can't be countered by your opponent where A.From can be. SO that gives it a plus there.

As for making a 55 card deck (is this for more lands or ???) I would take out the 2 Ajani's as he is out of my deck right now in my sideboard, and then the precinct Captains as they don't really fit the theme but the tokens can work well early game if someone can't deal with him for 3-4 turns.

As for Nivmagus Elemental, I don't really want to have to discard and exile anything in my hand. Those cards come in handy and it doesn't really work right with this play style of deck for me.

Posted 30 January 2014 at 01:43


Ok and hidden strings cipher says it works when u deal combat damage does that mean u just have to make at attack doesnt have to reduce life points? just kill a creature or damage it ? thats my last question! [=

Posted 30 January 2014 at 08:54


It has to deal its damage to a player.

Posted 30 January 2014 at 14:58


You should check out crypsis from born of the gods. It is a one drop that gives target creature protection from creatures.

Posted 06 February 2014 at 04:31


Yeah I need to overhaul this deck for BoTG's for sure. . I have some ideas in the works, thank you

Posted 11 February 2014 at 02:12


Brave or Gods Willing is just as good if not better than Crypsis IMO.

Posted 27 February 2014 at 21:37


I made a similar deck, and I'm curious to know what you think about mine, http://www.mtgvault.com/traslin/decks/aqueous-weeniegro/. I wish I had another Ajani, but until then I'll be sticking with 3 Heliod (I want 2 of each eventually).

The keys I've found that make the deck successful is powerful cheap enchantments (ethereal armor and aqueous form) and the proper ramping for bestow. Bestow in this deck acts like haste because it allows you to cast creatures and get damage from them in the same turn. When the hero is out, this deck is at its finest.

Posted 27 February 2014 at 21:38
