
73 Decks, 6 Comments, 0 Reputation

Armageddon is just an evil card in edh, if you play it, you will likely not be invited back to the playgroup you used it on. The card takes all the fun out of EDH. The whole point of a game of EDH is to have a fun and interactive game. Armageddon takes all the interactivity and replaces it with a boring hour of doing nothing. I see no point in having the card in your deck.

Posted 19 May 2015 at 04:13 as a comment on Kaalia EDH


No Deathbringer regent is amazing its a boardwipe on a 5/6 dragon, and Kalias ability says you may, so you do not have to put any dragon down when she attacks you can wait instead. It is one of the best black dragon cards they have printed for edh. Since you are in black you should have amazing recursion anyways so it shouldn't matter.

Posted 19 May 2015 at 04:05 in reply to #550116 on Kaalia EDH


Why no death bringer regent, kolagans command, or bolt wing marauder

Posted 19 May 2015 at 00:09 as a comment on Kaalia EDH


I don't think that jeleva is that necessary since you could exile four cards you don't want to exile, she is more of a build around to be used as a commander than a support card, and I wont add her because I kept the legendary count low to get across the idea that nicol bolas works alone unless the legendry is one of his pawns.

Posted 16 April 2015 at 06:08 in reply to #545840 on Nicol Bolas EDH (budget)
