Thanks, I'll be replacing the Alloy Myr with the Palladium Myr.
If you like angels. Look up Shattered Angel and Aegis Angel. Those are really good ones to have. A sorcery you might like for this deck would be Angel's Mercy as well (pay cost: gain 7 health).
Porcelain Legionnaire**
Yeah, I think that when I get some more money i'm going to order a few singles of this and that, here and there, for the deck. First on the list would definitely be Mirrorworks. I also just got another Caged Sun and another Phyrexian Legionnaire which replaced 2 of my lands. From playing it all today I've noticed that I really dont need all the land. The Traveler's Amulets and Manaliths supplement mana.
I only have one Laboratory Maniac, so I was afraid to just have one of him in there serving as a bomb card. I just got a fourth Belltower Sphynx though, which I will be adding in to the deck or replacing my Merfolk Mesmerists with.