
2 Decks, 2 Comments, 1 Reputation

You and Me are on the same page man. I don't know about you but I've been playing for quite some time now (Ice Age), Admittedly had to get out for a few years. When I started playing again and saw things like Baneslayer angel I was flabbergasted. When I pulled my first Vampire Nighthawk I fell in love and have been using it in every black deck since. It is a staple in black decks imo.

Posted 01 August 2013 at 01:23 as a comment on Real Best Card Ever: Nighthawk


Epic... I love the deck and love the interaction between Mutavault and Descendant's Path.

Posted 01 August 2013 at 01:14 as a comment on Mutavault is an Eldrazi >8D
