I think a few of you are right, I am going to edit it. I think you guys will like it just a hair better. :)
Thanks everyone for the comments. Thanks mtgvault for making it popular. Thanks to my friend Dennis for being an ass, and inspiring me to make a deck like this.
My bad, a friend pointed out, a win condition other than Purity.
Nice deck, I have a similar U/W, I believe that ability is an activated ability, so yeah it would (http://wiki.mtgsalvation.com/article/Activated_ability) . Though for the price of paying those 3 cards(2, 1W) (1, 1U) (1W) for a total CMC of 6,you may want to consider the use of a card such as Stuffy Doll. Just because its 5 colorless, and you could pull it with a card like Tinker, and if you put pariah on it its though it would be 8 CMC your looking at more options with Stuffy Doll especially because it would be easy to get rid of Ice Cage, though you lose the option to use Ice Cage on your opponents. Plus Stuffy Doll gives you a win condition, they can't hit you in any way, and if they do, they take damage. Now I am rambling, just something to think about though.
Couldn't do it turn zero.
Like I put up top, the fact is that I made it to counter another basically first turn deck, elvish spirit guide, channel, emrakul, takes a turn, down to 5 second turn, over... if I go first, I am sac'in permanents. So the idea was regardless of turn, I can do it. Even if I go second. My first turn ends in me winning. Even though I can basically pick my hand, I can still lose if cards block up and I can't draw to 20 creatures, it will be easier now though because I am adding the new Memnites.
I know right!?
Not a bad tip, I understand how that could slow me down, I was actually thing of doing just that and adding the ones that came in the ravnica set, they still come in tapped but tap for one blue and one black. One thing is a lot of mill decks have so much control I feel like its not true mill. I have a few decks that are all blue yet have no counters or control what so ever. One of them is simply all unblockable flying and shadow 40 creatures in a 60 card deck. The other is my stasis deck that I have posted. Thanks for the tips I would make this deck but its kinda expensive, bout 150 us dollars. Glimpse the Unthinkable being 60 for 4.
Oh and spellbook only affects me.
Just to clear this up with you, the mastermind is to bounce stasis so I can untap, continue gaining land, my cards will come in untapped then I pay for stasis at the end of my turn. This way I get the untap and no one else does. Megrim only affects opponents, as with black vise. Howling mine + underworld dreams means 2 damage a turn before the discard phase. Then with the double draw for me Ivory Tower would help me gain life. So thats the plan! I will be playing the deck on saturday Ill let you guys know how it goes.
Oh wow cool thanks for the comments as for Grapple, think you need some help reading lol.... I'm glad you guys like it so much, I already had a straight control deck so I didn't want another for the most part. This one is more for like one of my 8 person free for all games, where everyone suffers from the cards not just one opponent. I don't have the ivory towers, thats why they are in SB but they would be awesome to have in this deck.
Could use the Turntimber Ranger + Conspiracy combo if you wanted. =P I like all card choices though.
I actually really like this, a lot of my group talks about different styles of MTG, one being Iron Man magic, don't know if you've heard of it but you burn every card that hits the graveyard. Anyhow regardless of the type of game this deck seems pretty solid, as for the grappling hooks a bit expensive, I think, considering his highest CMC is 5 =/.
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