You'll want to keep a land healthy hand because missing a land drop in this deck really feels bad, which is why we play 25. But there is an argument for keeping a two land, with some playable removal and a Foundry Inspector.
The game plan is just to play on curve and try to maintain board control as much as possible.
Sideboard plans:
vs. Storm: +2 Ceremonious Rejection +1 Fragmentize +1 Nahiri, the Harbinger +3 Kambal, Consul of Allocation -3 Spatial Contortion // -2 Grasp of Darkness -1 Linvala, the Preserver, -1 Reflector Mage
We just want to make sure that we get good hits and our opponent doesn't, enough said. Combustible here is most likely going to draw us a lot of cards, so repeated blinking as long as we don't mill ourselves out just wins.
vs. Aetherworks Marvel: +2 Ceremonious Rejection +2 Deadlock Trap -3 Grap of Darkness -1 Fumigate
We want Trap set up as soon as we safely can to turn off Marvel, and always save Blue mana after turn 4 to counter Marvel.
vs. Control: +1 Nahiri, the Harbinger, +2 Archangel Avacyn, +3 Kambal, Consul of Allocation, -3 Radiant Flames, -1 Fumigate, -2 Spatial Contortion
Sideboarding vs. Control is going to be really variant based on the kind of control, if its PW heavy like Mardu or BW control, then we'll really want To the Slaughters going off as soon as we can before creatures start popping out.
vs. Madness/ RG Pummeler: +2 Transgress the Mind, +2 Deadlock Trap -2 Grasp of Darkness -2 Spatial Contortion
Transgress the Mind, Transgress the Mind, Transgress the Freakin' Mind. We don't want our opponent to get value off of the Pariah, we can't really deal with the sacrificing since we're a board reliant deck unless we hold onto our refurbishes, but besides that, the deck doesn't really do too much against us since it's still fairly aggro.
Same goes for RG Pummeler because they win with "Infect" off of the Pummeler and a crapton of energy or Bristling Hydra, sadly we can't cover everything, but we'll still get value off of what we do have.
vs. RW Vehicles: +2 Ceremonious Rejection +1 Nahiri, the Harbinger +2 Kambal, Consul of Allocation +1 Fragmentize // -1 Foundry Inspector, -1 Combustible Gearhulk, -1 Refurbish, -1 Glint Nest Crane, -1 Eldrazi Displacer, -1 Anguished Unmaking
I actually think this matchup is favored towards us since we have a lot of removal, and artifact hate in the sideboard. +2 To the Slaughter -1 Anguished Unmaking -1 Grasp of Darkness if they aren't playing Gideon because we don't want to pay 3 life for anything.