you sir are special use like misty rainforest and marsh flats,
yeah what superwill21 said, only thing i ran into problems was runecaster goblin getting my garden and depths, if you go against jund you side in iona and say green kills their bloodbraid elf, maelstrom pulse and so on.
True i seen a lot of polymorph decks that don't run many counters which breaks my heart because the green is in there for tokens and some mana excel, played this at my last FNM and i did 3 3rd turn polymorphs and several 4th turn went against a blue white he thought he had an answer for it until i knew what he was playing and i waited until i could counter his counter and bam game over lol
man looks exactly like mine.......
not to sound negative but i love mill no doubt, since the Rise of the Eldrazi mill decks just turn out bad.
it is great
i have done several 3rd turn polymorph against several decks the look on people's face when they see emrakul on turn 3 is great, did it to this one kid it was the start of turn 3 and he had only 2 lands out and was running allies and BAM he was so mad it was classic
use some fetch lands to get what you need not sure if this is legacy or extended if legacy use dual lands that will fix your mana issue, also use mox diamond or lotus petal. also it is 4 colors i try to get it to 3 if possible
take out the aethers put in root maze, birds of paradise, instill enegry, this deck seems to be a legacy format deck and in that case it is way to slow, also could put chronatog(spelling could be wrong) in there as well.
hence why the howling mines are in there also why the racks are in there.
thought about it but the vastwood animist gives me the big creature if needed.
yeah was trying to work them in but considering how things are built thus far in the deck it is kinda of pointless
i like the twincast and rite of replication what should I take out?
thought about the Telemin Performance but it cost to much by the time i get 5 lands the green has got me.
any help would be great
i would not use Liliana Vess she cost to much and by the time you get her out person has no cards in hand also Sign in Blood is a good card target your oppoent he/she loses 2 life and gets more cards to discard and it only cost 2 swamps. As for your sideboard i would replace Ravenous Trap with Haunting echoes and take out the tutors and put deathmark in there since many people play green and/or white decks.