
11 Decks, 8 Comments, 1 Reputation

I like it. I've never seen that card before, good idea. I took out a comet storm and a devils play to put in 2 of those browbeats.

Check out my artifact deck or any others? I'm dying for someone to give me feedback on them other than my friends i play with.

Posted 08 May 2012 at 02:36 as a comment on I <3 Third Degree Burns!


i took out horde of notions and put in composite golem + nim deathmantle. Seemed like a better idea now that I have thought about it.

Posted 08 May 2012 at 02:26 as a comment on Maelstrom Ingenuity


Actually yeah, makes sense for the primal beyond not fitting, i only have 8 elementals in here. And as for Horde of notions, i just put it in cause it's a pretty good card that fits in with my 5 color mana theme. You could use horde to bring back another hoard, or a fusion elemental. And he's a 5/5 with vigilance trample haste?? Unless there's a better creature you can think of that fits this deck?

And this deck is just an experiment. My other decks are my play decks i own, there missing just a few cards that the shops never have when i go to look. That's why i came here, so i could get some "professional" advice on what are the best cards to finish my decks off, buy them off the internet, and be done with them!

If you, or anyone else could give me suggestions on the rest of my decks that would be awesome. Thanks :)

Posted 07 May 2012 at 05:20 as a comment on Maelstrom Ingenuity


Looking for some feedback on my artifact deck, please! it's so close to being perfect, i just need some other opinions.
My other decks are almost perfect and just need some advice too if someone could look.

And check out my elf deck, it's absolutely evil and people hate playing it!

Thanks! :)

Posted 30 April 2012 at 10:28 as a comment on Venser Restored


I could use some feed-back on my artifact deck please!

The rest of my decks are pretty cool too, and my elf deck is pure evil.

Posted 30 April 2012 at 10:08 as a comment on Turn One Loss, So Simple!


Hey this deck is pretty kick ass!

Here's my artifact deck i have made. I could use some suggestions if anyone can find a way to make it better please. Also i'm not sure if I should put black in it to make it esper, please help me!

My other decks are pretty interesting too and I could also use some feedback on them. Thanks!

Posted 30 April 2012 at 09:20 as a comment on Master Transmuter Deck


This is a pretty awesome deck, go storm herd!!

Think anyone could give me suggestions on my decks I've built? My artifact deck is my favorite
but the rest could use some advice as well. Thanks :) etherium artifact (check out) mono blue control mycoloth devour Naya beast 5 color maelstorm bant exalted insane evil elf deck (check out)

Posted 30 April 2012 at 08:14 as a comment on Eternal life
