terror's are annoying tho if you're playing a black or artifact deck...they're useless zaplight. but i agree with you it should be a solid one colored deck.
i agree with atog. pete u have too many cards in this deck. i love the idea. but u shoulda realized once u passed 100 cards that its just too much buddy haha
i know, id replace it for diabolic tutor if i were to officially compete. just using this deck against my friends id use demonic. whats the point of the card existing if you can't ever use it, you know?
i agree with pete. i wish i could play against it.
very true. actually i was thinking about that problem i just didn't know the proper card to fix it. i'll need to look into getting some exhumes then. thanks.
i know, im still thinking about what to add into my sideboard. durrrrr. i know the rules. haha. and thanks. good idea donut.
k pete, help me out. ur right about the riptide shapeshifters. i changed it from 4 to 2 and added one more polar kraken. i want to add in one more big creature (it needs to be a creature type that no other creatures are) and i want to replace the 2 merfolks with something else. and ideas? help me out.
i know im putting it into my sideboard, i only own one right now tho. i'll add two when i get another offline.
i know blood celebrants ability is useless, im trying to find four other cleric cards. and this isn't my best deck anyway, im still working on it.
okay thealextheory, i have blood celebrant right now because what i want are four clerics for one black mana. they fit the bill. thats all i really have. this deck is what i actually have and play with right now. im looking to buy four other clerics that cost one swamp offline but i haven't found what i want yet. i only edit my decks here when i actually change them in person. and yea scion could be countered, thats the point of raise dead.
id personally put in some more creatures. seems to me like the deck might take a while to develop. id put in a few low costing creatures myself, but otherwise i love the idea. i tried doing something like this myself but the cards u use work better.
why don't you use three confiscates instead of mind control? i mean isnt it the same amount of mana? and that way if u needed to you could take anything from your opponent if you dont need one of their creatures
and by in i mean in my actual deck
i know what you mean. u can just use morgue toad instead :D foowad
why grand coliseum? u can get other lands that do the same thing but dont do damage to you? otherwise i like the combo but ud have to test it the deck out first.
fuck worship, i can only beat this with my counter deck ):
is the rest of the cards that add up to 60 all mana? how does that work?
i have diabloic tutor in right now. i just figured why use it when it costs two more than demonic tutor. either way it doesnt matter
i fucking hate this deck!!! i still beat it tho so ha pete what now?