The "tidewater minion, Island, utopia sprawl" combo is cool too...
Lol, i know this one... The "Oh, so famous Aura ability that player have been searching for after Penim's Aura". I played against this combo, the "sachi daughter of seshiro, orochi leaf-caller, freed from the real combo". snake deck too fast with time of need to fetch sachi... Just too damn fast with Sakura tribe scout, its like a Llanowar Elves only better if you have land in hand... Check out my decks:
You would go like this... Turn 1: Play land, Cast Llanowar elves. Turn 2: Cast Lotus Cobra, then play a fetch land... Fetch a land.. then tap for mana... you now have 3 mana... Cast Harrow, Get 2 mana from landfall then tap the 2 lands for garruk... then untap 2 lands... cast something like rampant growth, ETC...
And a Llanowar Elves for a second turn Garruk in mean...
Yup, hipponox is right.. garruk is a must for landfall... then put in a fetch land for a second turn garruk..
Actually you need another wish card to fetch yourself an energy card to use on pikachu.. You can't use MtG mana on Pikachu.. Just saying but anyway its only for fun so let us assume that MtG's mana is the same as Pokemon's energy.. LOL... Nice.. Me and my friends are also talking about this topic a long time ago... What if pokemon tcg are mixed with MtG, VS, Yugi Oh!, etc.? that would be fun..
yup, this deck can easily be countered by First strike white weenies and creature rem0vals...