
7 Decks, 52 Comments, 3 Reputation

I like the deck although I would suggest zombie apocalypse and forbidden alchemy. Also, think about this combo - Gravecrawler + Grimgrin + Diregraf Captain. You can sac and recast (and if you have mikaeus out, it's even better) for the tokens and the automatic damage to the opponent.

Check out my deck and let me know what you think.

Posted 20 February 2012 at 19:10 as a comment on U/B zombies


Switch counterspell with mana leak (easier to splash) and boomerang with turn the tide (same deal). Otherwise, I like it.


Posted 18 December 2011 at 04:57 as a comment on Watery Death


Darkest hour makes all of the creatures black and only black. You loose the synergy of the creatures being both white and black - Teysa's removal ability is no longer useful and deathbringer liege becomes a lot less powerful as well.

Posted 28 August 2011 at 14:55 in reply to #195812 on Capere, inveniet Vitam et Mortem


Belltower Sphinx seems like an obvious choice - gives you a 5 defense blocker that will give them pause on attacking and it's milling ability fits perfect with your deck

Posted 27 August 2011 at 16:07 as a comment on Blue Control Spinmill / Standard


I'm a little confused by this teysa build. You can only sacrifice a creature for one ability activation at a time so giving yourself multiple ways of sacrificing a creature doesn't really do you much good. I could see the benefit of grave pact with all of that sacrificing, but that's about it.

You could look into adding mortuary though and that way you could at least get your sacrificed creatures back.

Posted 27 August 2011 at 16:00 as a comment on Teysa, the Ultimate EDH Sac Machine


I really like the deck. I would suggest working in two stonehorn dignitaries into the deck. With vensor and stonehorn, you can seriously lock them down and protect you and your planeswalkers.

Posted 22 August 2011 at 04:06 as a comment on 4-0 Venser Control


What wesla said, I think you meant to get treasury mage.

Posted 14 August 2011 at 17:28 as a comment on Illusive Illusions


I dropped an automative automaton for a wurmcoil and I dropped the 3 mental missteps for 3 turn to frogs

Posted 13 August 2011 at 20:06 in reply to #191624 on Mirror On the Wall - Why is my face so busted?


What do you mean by a flying man? Which one?

Posted 13 August 2011 at 19:34 in reply to #191570 on Mirror On the Wall - Why is my face so busted?


Sorry, I meant to type out "grand architect."

Posted 12 August 2011 at 19:05 in reply to #191467 on Illusion standard


I'd suggest dropping the boots down to maybe 2 seeing as how the only creature that you could equip with it are the lords. The Gambit is nice, but you dont have any counters. Perhaps use phyrexian metamorph, adaptive automaton, or gra

Also, feel free to check out my deck. Id love some comments.

Posted 12 August 2011 at 19:04 as a comment on Illusion standard


I would suggest dropping the two xenographs for two grand architects. The garauntee +1/+1 to your blues is worth more than turning your lord of the unreal into illusion creatures imo.

Posted 11 August 2011 at 01:23 as a comment on Standard Illusions


I'd suggest dropping everflowing chalice, thopter assembly, and 1 grand architect for 4 counterspells (like mana leak or cancel).

Posted 11 August 2011 at 00:06 as a comment on tournament double type deck


I think you can drop 2 grand architects, 1 mindslaver, and 1 shimmer myr for 4 more counterspells (like cancel) or just general creature control (like frost breath).

Posted 11 August 2011 at 00:04 as a comment on Lord of the Grand Shimmer


-3 Disperse
+3 Into the Roil
-1 Jace
-1 Elspeth
+2 Sword of War and Peace (Red and White are so popular now)

-4 Journey to Nowhere
+4 Oblivion Ring (it is standard as pointed out by someone else earlier)

Posted 08 August 2011 at 12:01 as a comment on Venser, the Unblockable


I've thought about adding skullclamp due to the number of tokens and creatures that I can sacrifice for a beneficial cause.

Posted 06 August 2011 at 22:41 as a comment on Capere, inveniet Vitam et Mortem


Hey, I built this deck but I find that I run into a hand deficit against most decks. Do you ever see that problem and if so, do you have anything to combat it beyond the sensei's diving top and the necropotence?

Posted 06 August 2011 at 17:45 as a comment on Capere, inveniet Vitam et Mortem


I'd suggest 4 Mutagenics or 4 Vampire's Bites instead of the Praetor's Grasp.

The pump spells would be beneficial regardless of what happens, relative to the offchance that they have some card in their deck that's beneficial to you. Besides, if you want praetor's, you could just sideboard it in with NP.

Posted 04 August 2011 at 20:03 as a comment on HerpeGonoSkithiryx


You should switch up the sideboard in order to deal with decks heavy on counters/planeswalkers. Take out 2 vault skyward for 2 hex parasites.

Also, you need something to deal with a green/white infect deck that can first turn glistener and 2nd turn swing for 5-7 infect with pump before you even can cast one spell. So maybe put in two virulent wounds for the 2 steady progress.

Posted 01 August 2011 at 10:22 as a comment on Blue/Black Infect !!


Completely disagree with above regarding glistener elf. If you go first, there's a very strong chance that you are swinging for 5-8 with pumps on turn 2.

To that end, you could make it game on turn 2 if you switch out the duress for mutagenic growths. Three forests are also way too few. If anything, the amount of lands should be switched (i.e. 7 forests and 3 swamps) - especially since you have plague myr to add black if needed.

Dismember is stronger than doom blade as well.

Posted 01 August 2011 at 05:50 as a comment on Fast Infect


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