while griffin guide is good it seems sort of... random... try to switch it with cloak
that definately is a weird concept -3 truth or tale -4 rune snag +3 telekenetic(sp?) sliver +4 sporesower thallid
why molder? seems sort of weird to put it in, also dread return is pretty awsome
I keep looking for why you are playing white and I am not seeing it, take out the white, and all the subpar cards you dont need and add in the cards bealive suggested
-4 sprout +4 call of the herd
you do realize braid doesnt fuel serpent right?
dark withering isnt very good in a deck with 2 cards that uses discard -3 fencers magemark -2 nettling curse -4 dark banishing -4 galvanic arc -3 macabre waltz +4 undead warchief +4 Rift bolt +1 last gasp +2 withered wretch +1 stromgald crusader +4 lightning axe
-2 Simic Initiate, -2 Vigean Graftmage, -2 Experiment Kraj, -2 thrive, -1 dream leash, -1 confiscate +4 remand +4 shielding plax/rune snag +2 cytoplast rootkin
you need something to protect your creatures
you need a secondary win condition just in case, hellkite maybe?
voidslime isnt good in 3 color decks, switch it out for cancel
if you are adding dragon storm might as well add in 2 more bogodarn hellkites
telling time is better than truth or tale. giving the opponet choice of what you get is bad. like bealive said, check worlds for some ideas
aladins ring is way too expensive for the deck, and things like orochi hatchery are not T2 or are they very useful with mishra. Try taking out the non T2 stuff, and the ring. add in some stuff that could be useful with mishra (multiple loxodon war hammer... yummy...). and also make the changes bealive suggested
I can tell you havn't played this deck very much why kudzu and dervish and no SSS? because SSS costs 7 mana, while kudzu and dervish don't why more green and no whelk? same reason, plus your opponent should never get the mana needed to play a spell while you are comboing why shaman? because shaman prevents you from decking yourself in those long games that you dont start to combo off until very late
hehe, http://www.mtgvault.com/viewdeck.php?did=568 =P already posted it here, but It is good that it is back on the main page, I really like the deck, amazingly fun to play, sadly tho it isnt fun to play against (so my opponenets tell me)
needs white for the GOOD kirin :P
nihilistic glee and cauldron are not really that good, try putting in bob and/or lyzolda instead, this deck should have no trouble getting rid of the extra cards
take out verdeloth and add another pair of thelons
take out drelnoch and dragonauts to add in compulsive research and teferi
21-40 of 46 items