Thank you again for the suggestions, they really helped this deck become more versatile!!
I agree, by the way I made some changes there Alleywayjack, what do you think of the current build?
Yes this deck is dated. I have been working on it since last summer, and finally posted it. Thank you for all the tips as I haven't done a very good job keeping up with some of the current cards. I appreciate all the advice and going to be using a lot of the cards you mentioned. This is why I love this site, I can post a deck idea, and someone can say, hey its good but here are a few pointers. Again thank you, and great advice!!
Please tell me what you think of this for a deck idea, and if you have any suggestions for a SB or the main deck itself please feel free to let me know!!
Yosei isn't a bad idea if I need to control a situation. However I think the over all power of the deck wouldn't need to run this as a main stream. However I will consider Yosei for a side deck.
Honestly I would re-tool this deck for counter/Draw/Burn. Red and blue as main colors. Use braids to cast low casting burn spells that lead up to bigger spells. Also think about extra planar lens for more mana and all the blue stuff you cast on your opponents turn. Make sure to use brainstorm and braingeyser. Also use cards with flash/splice/ and cycling. Last but not least think about repercussion/furnace of wrath/ and wheel of fortune. Also ball lightning wouldn't hurt or spark elemental.
Are you kidding me kilnmouth??? A merfolk deck without counters or boomerangs??? Are you kidding me, c'mon man.
Well you already know about Living Terrain + Darksteel Citadel. Two suggestions if you didn't mind throwing in some Echants is Armadillo Cloak and Shield of the Oversoul. Well that said you should check out my deck, by clicking on my name since this website won't post it, or allow ppl to search for me, and tell me what you think.
Also I forgot to mention through in 4x Street Wraith to help with draw power, especially after a mystical tutor. Just going to tell ppl that if you have time please click on my user name and take a look at my casual deck, suggestions, comments and what not will be appreciated. Thank you.
Here is how you make it legal in Vintage format. Mystical tutor is restricted in Vintage StSTu, as well as flash. Also for an easier win, don't use walkers, ornithopters, or any of those zero drops. Now here is how you do it. You play with 4x elvish spirit guides 4x simian spirit guides. If you get the caverns in your opening hand start with that, otherwise just mulligan until you get a land, a guide, and a flash. also have 4x summoners pacts. Retrieve the Hulk, flash him, now this is what you search for, 4x disciples, 4x Shifting walls, 4x Phyrexian Marauder. Pay zero for x casting cost for each creature. They become 0/0 when they enter play, they hit the graveyard and disciples kicks in for 32 pts of damage.
Yeah I was just about to come on here and correct myself NightLoki. I asked my friend who is basically a judge and he told me the same thing. Basically if you make a land a swamp, you can then tap it for black mana. So I just wanted to apologize for wasting ppl's time, and for posting such huge comments. Hate to do this, but anyone who has time please click on my name and check out my deck that I am working on. I could use some suggestions. I would just say type in deck search Sin and Grace but for some reason you can't search for it. But anyway any comments are appreciated and again sorry for wasting ppl's time with the land-type dilema. :)
Also it does not make urborg have the ability to tap for mana, so i would just recomend using the depths and then use a swamp then cast a dark ritual use that mana to cast hexmage, so second turn you get out the big guy. or you could do it first turn with a lotus petal. Anyway sorry for the long explanations and this is a good deck.
My other example is the old school dual lands. Lets pick Tundra for this example. It has the ability to tap for either blue or white mana, and also the card states that it counts as an island and a plains. If I play Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth it does not add the ability to tap the tundra for black mana, it only allows the tundra to count as three different types of land at the same time. So in example with Dark Depths, Dark Depths doesn't have the ability to tap for mana. So all Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth does is allow Dark Depths to be a Legandary Snow Land - Swamp. Just because it has the type on it now it does not have the ability to tap for black mana. So third turn is the fastest you get that 20/20 out there.
This is just one question, and I am only asking because I am just not quite sure. A basic swamp says tap to add 1 black mana to your mana pool. I think everyone knows that. Here is my question. Urborg says every land is a swamp in addition to its other land types. So that doesn't automatically make all your lands be able to tap for swamps, or does it? I thought it just made them swamps as in like nightmare which says its power and toughness is equal to the number of swamps you have in play. Well if you play black and green and make all your forests swamps in addition to their type, that is great for Nightmare, but you still can't tap that forest for black mana? Anyway my pt is if I am right, then you can't get the 20/20 avatar until third turn.