Ok there is a lot that has to be done about the deck over all. First you need a focus. What kind of vampires are you trying to build? You need 3 more Sign in Blood. That is your draw power for the deck. I personally do not like Blind Zealot. For 3 you are only getting a 2/2 that has to actually hit the enemy to even proc its affect which involves killing itself in the process. Just take them out and add go for the throats in or more grasp of darkness or Dismembers.
The main problem that i see with this deck is that you have absolutely no mana ramp to actually support all of the high costs that you have right now. i love the reckoners and high priests though. good low drops and reckoners with blasph is pretty funny. you may need to drop your planeswalkers and put in either creatures that can hold off attacks and stall or actual stall cards like safe passage and aurelias fury. instead of tribute to hunger use murder so that you can actually choose the nastier creature to die. deathpact angel might come in handy too. it may not seem to great but after they kill her they then have to kill the token or else you will just get her right back. that is more of a personal opinion though. chromatic lantern would also be a good card to help boost your mana slightly and completely get rid of color combination problems. try these out first and see how it works out. hopefully you can get it to work because i like it so far.
don't forget cavern of souls to prevent you from being countered. with a lot of humans its a good addition. also odric is a good 4 drop with basically a battalion on him which allows you to completely kill all their mana producers and combo based effect punks hiding in the back. another card i liked is blind obedience to keep them from just throwing out low stuff to block and stall. last thing try silverblade paladin instead of warmind to create a devastating double strike on your truefire so you can pump him in conjunction.
i would say to swap the doomed travelers for more boros elite. next you have a lot of high cost cards which will cause a lot of dead drawing early game. that will slow you down. try dropping guardian of the gateless and one firemane avenger. then put in stuff like wojek halbediers and truefire paladins. silverblade paladin is extremely nice but i know he can cost a pretty penny. after that i would say drop the cathar's crusade because by that time you wont be swarming very hard anymore and you don't have any draw power to support it. again another expensive card would be clifftop retreat for you land to help make sure you don't get the jagged end of the stick on your mana. if you like assemble the legion, which i really do myself, drop it to one or two for casual play with friends. i think that it's a pretty fun card =p. prolly drop rally the peasants as well. with battalion procing it should be ok without that. last bit of advice i would offer would be to drop the captains of the watch even though they are really dirty and just add in boros reckoner's. they are amazing! feel free to try any of these out and see how you like them. hope it shapes up for you ^_^
take out your warclamp mastiff's and replace them with a full set of boros elites and up to a max of 3 loyalists. Also drop one foundry champ and pick up Gisela from Avacyn restored. Truefire paladin is also another card that I personally feel is a must. Aurelia and Aurelia's Fury are both amazing cards if you can get your hands on them too. As for warmind I would say use frontline medic's instead to help protect from bonfire and it is sweet to have all indestructible creatures =). I think you might see if run a little faster this way. Oh and don't forget the shock lands and clifftop retreat's
Add in Clifftop Retreat's in place of the guild gates. That will speed you up quite a bit.
Guttersnipes are amazing for the izzet set.
lol go to him and tell him to look up 5 color cascade. that is an amazing 5 color deck.
yeah on the anvil i just found out how exactly it works cuz i had everyone at my college telling me that it would only work on the sub type like golem, contruct, etc. i am definately going to change out the transmuter for anvils.