The deck looks nice, maybe a Past in Flames or 2 would help it? you could recast all the cheap discard and mana ramp spells and start the whole damage surge again.
The new re-issued edition of my deck, it covers the problems with the original copy of the deck and adds a side board. The main board is 100% functional at this moment, however i'm lacking a few of the key cards for the side board such as the gargardons and the final fortunes. Hopefully ill be getting them soon from a friend, let me know what you all think.
So i just looked at Keldon Marauders and im hoping my friend will have some up for trade :D. if he does ill be dropping the Raging Goblins and swapping them. I see how well they work in my deck and they'll improve it a ton.
Hello everyone, I was not expecting anyone to check out my deck really but allow me to explain why i picked what i did. Spark Jolt was my first choice due to its Scry ability. If i have not been able to draw a Worldfire then ill pop a Spark Jolt to give me a Scry if my opponent is getting close to killing me. Although i'm not use to people reviewing my deck so I'm happy to see the comments. I just altered it a bit due to budget issues and not being able to get the trades i needed so i took out the 4 Lotus Bloom for 4 Rites of Flames which ill change back when i can get them. This deck is now up and running as of yesterday and I've played 8 games, won 6 of them with the average win time being 4 turns. All in all i think it turned out great and ill be making test decks with everyone's advice to see if i can improve it with trades and buying the rest of the cards.
well, Holy hell batman. I didn't even know about that card combo. Just ordered myself a play set for this deck and edited it. Thank you both very much, I think this deck is going to be even better now, moved the mines to sideboard because a full land clear is a lot better.
I love the deck, the squirrel idea is amazing and it looks good, the only thing i would say is maybe drop a forest for another overrun or a epic struggle. and im glad you like the deck, i havent changed it yet but i dropped 2 lands and added 3 wurmcoil engines