Btw I know it's 3 over 60, I'm leaving it till I get a chance to adjust it at a later time :(
i would personally take out valakuts. their a great card but to effectively utilize them more land drops are key by splashing green retrievals. what id replace it with is shrine of burning rage. with all the red thats gonna get huge fast man
made a small tweak to the creatures removing aether adapts for grand abolisher
yea that was just a dur moment >.>
alright sorry for the late reply but life calls and such. im still relatively new to this so i deff can use all the help your willing to give lol ill take out the sun titans and angels for 4 rings the soul eaters while i like them for the ability to tap something without using mana i can see its value is less then the ponders i had originally placed in and moved them to the SB due to the dispatch dismember swaps it so exchanged the two and lastly the vensers have been replaced with negates. i like spell pierce as a single cast cost but im trying to stay outa the zendikar block. Also almost forgot the land ratio is a problem i run into all the time it seems i either have too many or too little so i just fudge with it in trials to see if it works but in a 2 color deck the manaliths are kinda iffy. especially in complimentary colors like U/W lol. I do have a question about the aether adapts though. do you think their worth it without the bounce effect from venser? i just feel that something else could be better spend there like possibly tezz gambit or another counter/bounce effect at a cheaper cost again thank you for help man its greatly appreciated
Roby96070 took out the ponders for mana leaks lizardtastegood i was just thinking of the dispatches as another way to tap creatures early game actually with the metalcraft as an added bonus late game removal spell
alright knocked off the rats for crusaders honestly dont know why i missed those >.< and took out the grim afflictions for 2 vampires bites and 2 virulent swipes i like the volt charges a little much to lower them down.
are your talking about the hands of the praetors cause i got 2 of them in it already
not a bad start man id say combine some of the singles and doubles into better stuff like the Wilt-Leafs (not a lot of synergy but i see where you like them for the speed). it allows a more consistent game plan. so what i would probably do is -1 Wilt-Leaf -2 armored Ascension -2 ardent recruit +3 Auriok sunchaser +2 memnite these are what stand out most to me without completely dissolving your game plan. again its not a bad start at all im impressed with how fast your learning man
i can see it doing good things but not quite sure what to take out for in its place probably the hand of the praetors but anything else stand out?
liked that idea so i took out the harrows and some of the excess lands thanks for the advise man
alright i took out the reverberates for them felt like that was the most efficient drop out of the lot ill play around with it now see how it goes. thanks for the suggestion
Ok well i took out the spikeshot elders and added the piston sledge. After looking over it again the elder is bad here, the ability is not the most effective with my overall theme. As far as the goblin wardriver is concerned i just feel that if your going battlecry to have more creatures encorperate that ability.
main board looks solid to me all i would suggest is to add the normal utilities to the side board. Shatter would have a good synergy with the rest of the deck and possible land destruction spells are what comes to mind first.
im really digging this man it looks like just like a deck that i've been working on building
Thanks for the advice and I actually use the fling in conjunction with arc runner and instinct, if you have the mana and an open field theres nothing like a DS arc fling for 15. Also after I reorganize my cards ill look into some more removal. Again thanks
See I don't really think the 1/1's are going to cause you problems because it seems fast enough to look past that Btw you should look at my red kiln fiend deck and comment Thank you
Needs some game removal but I like the deck man
Got bored so made some changes to the MB and SB for a bit more versatility and survivability
there personally i prefer the overwhelming stampede over overrun because at the least it would do the same as overrun with all the 3+ power creatures that are in this deck so i took out 1 pelakka worm and 1 sacred wolf instead
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