take out the dispels for mana leaks try goblin guides insead of the tunnelers try taking out the ball lightnings for another burn spell like staggershock
something that might be better than coat of arms is beastmaster's acension it is a little cheeper but it still gets the job done
no because it doesnt use one turn creature like ball lightning
the only problem i have with that is that traumatize works wonderfully with keening stone
thats what brave the elements/kabira evangel is for and they are much cheaper than gideon
its actually only about $100 which is actually really cheap when it comes to standard. The only really expensive card in the deck is kargan.
dont play 4 kazuul they are legendary so only play 2 in the deck
You may want to try putting ajaini's pridemate in, it would benefit from all of the land gain in here
i just made that change thanks
I like having the scalding tarns in the deck because it gives me some flexiblity, allowing me to adapt to different situation, letting me decide if i need a moutain or an island.