ove the deck combos. Izzet is pretty popular with these runs right now. You might want to consider two alternatives. 1. Krenko himself. having 2 of him ready to jump in might speed up the goblin production. Even if they are little guys that die out, they can still be used for the Battle Hymn mana production. 2) If you want to keep the token feel up put some Talrand's in as well. Not only would you produce lots of goblin threats, but your air drakes would swarm the skies. You could build an army ready to outmaneuver while you cast defensively on their turn. You have the side board having 3 Intangible Virtues. If you're really going to makes this a Token deck, you have have them main board. They are the heart and soul of any good token deck right now. I would remove two Epic Experiments for them.Or put in some Guttersnipes to make better use of the remaining two experiments.
I agree. Angel of lory's Rise is nice with the mainly human aspect, but the problem is that if this deck is playing till turn 8, then something is wrong. With the deck's current construction lethal damage should be reachable by turn 5 or 6 at most.
I really want to build this. But I don't have any of the cards really. Looks like it would be great fun. I would think about putting less creatures in for some o-rings maybe though.
Why syncopate over dissipate? same thing, just a little less expensive.
I actually love this deck. I've been building and Izzet mill deck and your deck here will be a great help for me. You mentioned that you were looking for ways to ramp up your mana for a truly epic Epic experiment. I honestly think that most people are over looking the crazy value of Battle Hymn at the moment. You don't have a lot of standard creatures in your deck but if Talrand has been ont he field for a turn or so, you should have enough creatures to feed your casting pot. I honestly have no idea what I would take out instead for it though, so you'll have to consider that yourself. Another underrated card that will make your deck spin would be Past in Flames. Giving your spells a lower flashback ( in some cases) of jus flashback in general would be devastating. And again, triggering Talrand leading to maybe second epic experiment. But in order to run the Past in flames, the Nivmagus Elementals would have to go. Curse of Echos is annoying, but isn't that great of a card for this deck in my opinion. I would pull it out for some more counters (Dissipate or Syncopate). I really hope this helps. You really have a great deck idea. If you could give my Izzet a look over, I'd really like it. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=396776
Now this is a little out of left field but I was wondering if you though of putting a Tamiyo or two in the deck. Main or side. The lock down effects she would have would be great, not to mention the draw effect with any tapped creatures. It would be a far day when you could get her ultimate off but it would sill be a great late game changer. Try running with one less Entreat and Index and two Tamiyo's in the main board. Another idea if you're going to have the Skyknights in play, would be to put in some Cloudshifts or Ghostly Flickers. That way you can block and then detain in response for the next couple turns. Again ideas. You use em as you see fit.
I love the Genesis Waves in an elf deck, stupid fun. You might want to try an interesting green combo of adding in a Craterhoof Behemoth in there as well, just for the fun chance of giving all the little elfes the needed boost. If that doesn't work, you could put a Roaring Primadox and redo it next turn.
You may want to put some Cavers of Souls in the deck, it makes it a lot easier to the multi colors out and prevents counter spells from hitting your creatures. You may want to consider some Thatcher Revolts if only to have them quickly boost up your champion, that or if you want some permanent tokens, a Gather the Townsfolk or two. Lastly, you might look into the Kriun Striker, a great human by any standards especially if you're going to be casting creatures every turn, or attacking with the Hero of Bladehold. Check out my Boros Deck http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=359113 for some ideas or let me know if you need any other suggestions.
Yeah the mana curve is extremely high. ( see my old life death deck for even higher >.<). I do need to work some lower casting costs in there. I like the idea of the Sanctifies, because of the life gain. I could see hoe the Crusade would be great with all the tokens coming in, but what would I take out in order for it to have a place?
Honestly I don't think he would. He would work ok as a token generator, but I could also put a Doomsayer in here if i wanted to just kick out tokens. I know the emblem might be a lot of fun, but I honestly want to sacrifice as many tokens as I can and kill by a Blood Artist victory over attacking with shear numbers.
I don't really like him either ^_^ but he is kind of fun in this deck. The 7 card draw makes him really useful when looking for another blood artist or Unburial Rites.
The kills spells are meant to take out the early game of my opponents. Multiplayer it works amazingly well actually. The hundreds of life comes from having both Angelic Chorus out with any amount of life in a Phyrexian Processor would lead to double the amount of life that turn. Each turn you'd get another blocker and double the amount of life put in. Eventually a second processor could be played for even greater amounts of life. At one point in time, I played out a processor for 50 life, gained 100 life for summoning the creature. The true conviction kicked life up another 100.
@drumhead21 -But what would you replace for the deck that I have?
@athomas508 - I've never been a fan of vampires at all. But I do like the combination. It actually follows the whole deck premise. @batman69 - I'll check it out. I'm honestly new to the site some I'm taking my time. Any other good sac decks out there that I should look into?