thanks, if people dont know what this deck is about then its super fun for empior, or multi games
no the whole deck is to sac them, to deal damage. so its infinate mogg damage, or infinate combat phases, eather way there is no need to boost them
megrim , underworld dreams, burning inquiry, you don't need strait burn you should have some fun with it.
try a couple fetch lands and maybe harrow's just to speed t up a bit and give lord some power when he comes out
the only thing wrong that i see with your turn 3 win is that you have to dark ritual twice, because the first turn you would have 1 land, tap dark rit, get lacerator and frogtosser, thats 3 mana. turn 2 you would have 2 lands tap one for dark rit, now having 4 mana flitter now only costs 3 and greaves costs 2 thats 5 so you would need a second dark rit. what you have is not bad but its a little hopeful, and if we are playing with a perfect hand then you might as well just have 3 lacerators 1 ritual 1 demon and a swamp and first turn the demon, it would be too early to counter anythign but the ritual but thats only if they went first. so first turn swamp+ dark ritual+ 3 lacerators sac them and 6 life demon, second turn swamp+ frogtosser+ attack thats 9 dmg, third turn swamp + greaves +frogtosser attach greaves to new frogtosser and attack thats 11 dmg and a win