Master of Dickery

by ShackledAngel on 03 January 2016

Main Deck (60 cards)

Sideboard (15 cards)

Sorceries (7)

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Deck Description

My fiance and I were discussing playing around with Master and this is what happened. lol. It's pretty easy to manage, and works even against heavy lifegain decks. It's weakness would probably be rush decks or burn decks, so sideboard appropriately.

How to Play

The goal is to get Master out and unblockable with Aqueous or Dodge. Once he swings and isnt blocked, the opponents life is reduced to 1 before any combat damage is assigned. You then can either use Ninja's ability to switch him out with Master and hit the opponent for the final damage, or simply burn your opponent's life to 0 with Shot or Shock. Faithless Looting is for draw to get the right cards in hand, Heartless summoning helps the mana curve (D. demon by turn 3, look out! <3), and Blood Speaker brings your demons out to play. Fog Bank keeps off early attacks until you are set up, and Des. demon is a nice backup win condition.

Deck Tags

  • Master of Cruelties
  • Unblockable
  • Ninja
  • Demon

Deck at a Glance

Social Stats


This deck has been viewed 9,877 times.

Mana Curve

Mana Symbol Occurrence


Card Legality

  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Legal in Modern
  • Legal in Vintage
  • Legal in Legacy

Deck discussion for Master of Dickery

Why the Ninja tag? And it's not too shabby.

Posted 04 January 2016 at 01:36


It uses a ninja and I'm new to this site... not sure what else to tag it as XD

Posted 04 January 2016 at 03:00


You don't need 4 tags >.>

Posted 04 January 2016 at 03:01


It said to have 4? ;-;

Posted 04 January 2016 at 03:14


it's a suggestion. Most of mine don't reach 4

Posted 04 January 2016 at 03:57


Four helps with clarity, though most get by with one or two deck tags since you can search for decks by color or cards there inside.

Posted 16 January 2016 at 05:07


Thank you for the help ^_^ this was my first deck on here so I wasn't sure how things worked back when I made it lol

Posted 16 January 2016 at 07:35


I would use Gut Shot for the mana options, love Master of Cruelties!

Posted 04 January 2016 at 02:08


i agree, a free 1 damage after masters is just hilarious

Posted 04 January 2016 at 02:37


I've never heard of Gut Shot before (I started playing just as Return to Ravnica was coming out), but I've looked it up and you are right. Its perfect! Replaced Pillars of Flame with it. Thank you so much for the suggestion.

Posted 04 January 2016 at 03:08


As a lover of rakdos decks of all kinds, I have to say this is one of the best uses of MoC I've seen. I love it! +1 from me

Posted 04 January 2016 at 03:31


Squee! Thank you so much! My fiance is a huge Rakdos fan. This is going to be "his" once we make it XD

Posted 04 January 2016 at 03:39


I'm trying to get my wife into playing. Even built her a very fancy elf deck that owns face. I think she would enjoy it but she only sees it when I spend money on it. She doesn't see all the crazy fun we have, like the time my friend had 3.7 trillion dragon tokens on the field and hit me for 4.7 septillion in effect damage, not counting the battle damage. It's games like that I enjoy the most

Posted 04 January 2016 at 05:34


lol. That sounds ridiculous. It is fun though, games like that. Good luck getting her to play! MTG holds a special place is my relationship, because without it we might not have one. My fiance was one of my best friends, and he taught me to play. It was over a game of magic that we started dating. And now we are planning our wedding. lol.

Posted 04 January 2016 at 07:21


lol nothing like 20 20/21 flying goat tokens though... or tieing a game and almost going to a 4th match. those are just some of what my friends and i have done.
just an idea but Rogue's Passage?

Posted 12 January 2016 at 21:52


My friend CianMadgrin once had like 83 68/68 Angel tokens once XD I think he still has a picture of the board.

Passage would be a smart addition to the land base, thanks so much! I've used it in so many decks I cant believe I didnt think of it here.

Posted 12 January 2016 at 22:01


lol your welcome, its those kind of games you gotta love win or loose... well as long as its a fairly even game it gets old quick when one person is stuck at 3 land and the other is playing shenanigans or other similar broad states...

Posted 13 January 2016 at 04:10


Sometimes things happen that are so silly you can't even be angry that you lost. My fiance once lost to a 15/15 Germ token. He couldnt stop laughing about how he was beaten by a germ XD And it was at an FNM tourney!

Posted 13 January 2016 at 04:15


that's true my friends and i generally don't care and just laugh it off, we're just unlucky enough to live where some pro tour are sadly there sore winners and losers. most have left the shops now since one wont let them cuss and the other wont let them vape or smoke the ones that stayed aren't bad just a challenge to beat.

Posted 15 January 2016 at 15:38


thats sad. We had an EDH player like that, real jackass. Rubbed it in your face if he won, whined and bitched and made excuses if he lost. Dropped out of a Conspiracy draft I was in because he didnt pull an Exploration and bitched about it.

Posted 15 January 2016 at 17:14


sounds about right (though ours would tell you the half a dozen mistakes you made that would have won you the game in the rudest way possible) glad most people aren't like that. just curious do you play any other card games?

Posted 18 January 2016 at 02:34


We own a ton of 'boardgame' deck builder card games like Boss Monsters and Resident Evil. We also play Pokemon, but not as heavily as Magic. We used to love Kaijudo... but then the game fell through, leaving us with a box full of useless cards. My fiance had a Yugioh and a DBZ deck, but we stay away from other card games. It just gets too expensive.

Posted 18 January 2016 at 02:53


i know how it is my friends and i play magic, vanguard, buddy fight, pokemon, yugioh, munchkin, and force of will. i think we even have duel master cards somewhere. most just for fun of it, but it still gets expensive. the only ones we turny play are magic and vanguard.

Posted 18 January 2016 at 03:07


My problem is that once I like a game, I get competitive. lol. And I have a weakness for pretty things, so I like the foils and fullarts...

For example: I learned to play Pokemon the TCG because I worked at a cardshop temporarily and needed to know the games I was selling. I built a simple Fire deck around Delphox, because I love her. And then, slowly.... foil Pokemon, full art trainers, ect. Same thing with my Fairy deck. And most of my Magic decks XD

And even without making it 'pretty', TCG's can get to be a strain on a wallet. So I refuse to learn any new games, like FoW, because I know if I learn and like it I'll want a deck, and then a -good- deck, and so on. XD

Posted 18 January 2016 at 05:04


I play magic, yugioh, and a bit of pokemon. (I stopped buying pokemon cards though.) But my fav is magic and it'll stay that way. BTW, my yugioh and pokemon decks r invincible.... Lol.

Posted 11 February 2016 at 21:49


I still have my old yugioh decks myself. Back when they weren't outdated, my dragons were undefeated. Nothing topped them. Didn't matter what it was, nothing worked against them. They had a very nasty habit of complete blowouts for victories. And heaven forbid you killed one after I summoned it. I just wish I had a magic deck that had that same level of ferocity. I would literally be untouchable. Oh well though. My friends already hate my deck designs, so I doubt they would forgive me if I made a deck like that

Posted 12 February 2016 at 03:09


I have two blue eyes and all three god cards

Posted 14 February 2016 at 16:40


All three of the original god cards, the newer versions from gx, and every card related to blue-eyes and red-eyes, and then some. I played four years before all the people I played with stopped or moved, plus moving myself

Posted 14 February 2016 at 20:21


dude my deck has lots of combos. Maiden w eyes of blue summons blue eyes when attacked. Then, blue eyes plus maiden equals azure eyes. Then, red eyes plus flameviel guard equals red dragon archfiend. If it dies, red cocoon it back to life. Hyozanryu plus resonator equals stardust spark dragon. Wonder balloons plus discard cards equals my opponents monsters atk loss times 300 for each discarded card.

Posted 15 February 2016 at 13:47


Mine too, but now I just stick with magic. It's so much easier to look up magic cards than yugioh cards when deck building, plus magic is way more interesting to play

Posted 15 February 2016 at 15:26


excactly dude. But sometimes My grandpa gives me 20 bucks so sometimes i use that on yugioh. Im still into magic more though. Check out some of my decks!

Posted 15 February 2016 at 15:35


wow lol. I ordered a deck from this site, check out the big khalni monster. And one time while playing it I had only two lands on the battlefield but i got 42 mana. Another time I tapped my overgrown battlement and no lands, and i had enough mana just from that to summon eldrazi devestator with mana to spare. Lol. Games like that.

Posted 16 February 2016 at 18:08



Posted 09 January 2016 at 05:24


Yours, once we build it, but I want to play with it too. XD I'm proud of it.

Posted 09 January 2016 at 17:11


If you want a little more "dickery" splash green for Hornet Sting :D

Posted 13 January 2016 at 02:02


lol. Its got the right stuff, but I dont know about splashing in another color for one card. Thanks for the suggestion though.

Posted 13 January 2016 at 02:49


I would play lightning bolt over shock, i think its better and can get rid of 3-toughness creatures. Great deck tho! :D +1

Posted 15 January 2016 at 04:04


True enough! That is a smart swap. Thanks. And I appreciate the compliment too ^-^

Posted 15 January 2016 at 04:31


Damn this is awesome. +1 for sure. Since you're already playing U, maybe serum visions instead of looting? Idk how budget you want to stay though.

Posted 19 January 2016 at 01:36


Thats a great suggestion. I was already thinking about Think Twice instead because of Lootings discard screwing up a playtest or two. Thank you very much!

Posted 19 January 2016 at 01:41


instead of Artful Dodge, i would include Shadow Rift, simply for the draw a card, unless you are playing modern of course

Posted 19 January 2016 at 04:08


I like Dodge for its flashback cost, but Rift is definately something to keep in mind. Thanks!

Posted 19 January 2016 at 04:15


Yeah... very appropriate title :P

Posted 21 January 2016 at 17:15


Why thank you! I do try to make my titles attention-grabbing. lol.

Posted 21 January 2016 at 18:22


Have you heard of Leechridden Swamp? Seems like a fun way to score a kill using MoC!
Also Piranha Marsh. But that's only if you haven't played your land yet that turn.

Posted 26 January 2016 at 04:08


The ninja is a better option though. Once master gets through, whether by no blocking or rogues passage, using the ninjas ability is game. Yeah the lands are cheaper, but they would be better in a deck not running three colors. Yeah I know you can search for leechridden swamp with a fetch, but it comes in tapped regardless, which doesn't help

Posted 26 January 2016 at 05:04


Leech just seems iffy for this. I prefer my ninjas and gutshots. I'd consider the marsh, but ideally I want to be using my land every turn except turn 1... in a perfect hand I can get Master out on turn 3 and swinging turn 4. I tried to limit the lands that had to enter tapped. I'd be using Steam Vents over Cliffs if they werent so expensive.

Posted 26 January 2016 at 05:41


How about Vapor snag? It makes double function. Return a creature to hand and make that 1 point so necessary of damage. Maybe better than Blustersquall, because I dont know if you can really play its overload cost. Great deck, I love it!

Posted 28 January 2016 at 10:33


Vapor might be good, yeah. Blustersquall was just in SB for if we faced like... weenies. Trying to keep things tapped down until Master can swing unblocked.

Posted 28 January 2016 at 16:17


I assume that you would be vapor snagging so that Master is unblocked, correct? if so, it would have no effect on the life total of the defending player, because the life loss happens before Master's ability triggers. Now if you are doing it after that trigger, then yeah it would work. but I think that gut shot is simply better because phyrexian mana allows you to play it while you are tapped out.

Posted 04 February 2016 at 21:06


I already commented but really this deck looks like so much fun! I want to play it... AND I want to play against it. Best of luck!

Posted 29 January 2016 at 03:18


Comment as much as you want, lol. And thank you! We currently have most of the cards together, just gotta order a few more and we'll be testing this out at our local FNM. If you build it yourself, tell me how it played!

Posted 29 January 2016 at 03:52


Very Nice. Probably doesn't need it, but you may want to compare Distortion Strike to your other 1 blue unblockable spells. The +1/+0 doesn't help Master of Cruelties, but I thought it'd be worth considering. It might be better than Aqueous form, because you can play Distortion strike, target Master of Cruelties, then target something that can go for the kill on the Rebound. Artful dodge lets you do the same, of course, so hard to say.

Posted 31 January 2016 at 01:32


Its something to keep in mind. We play tested the deck last Friday at FMN, just didnt have the right land base and all the blood speakers. Probably gonna take out most of the Aqueous Form for Slip through Space, since we found we can target other stuff with it to get the card draw to get the right cards in hand. Thanks for commenting!

Posted 01 February 2016 at 11:32


very nice. I love the use of Master here. :) such a great card.
and the follow up with simple burn is great. :) I am now a bit intrigued to try and build a deck around Master of Cruelties myself. +1 from me. :)

Posted 04 February 2016 at 01:35


Thanks. We ran it at the local FNM. We didnt have all the bloodspeakers and duel lands, so it wasnt as fast as we'd have liked, but it did pretty well. My fiance played it and got the god hand once. Turn 1 island, Turn 2 swamp and Heartless Summoning, Turn 3 Mountain and Master, Turn 4 Artful dodge and shock.

Posted 04 February 2016 at 02:02


Just had a random thought. You could run Generator Servant and drop master on turn three with haste

Posted 04 February 2016 at 02:28


I could... I think I prefer Heartless summoning though, since it can make all my critters cheaper without dying. And I cant run both, since Heartless would kill Servant

Posted 04 February 2016 at 03:56


Fair enough. Was just a thought though.

Posted 04 February 2016 at 08:29


This deck dies to spot removal. Why any deck hs it's weak spots, spot removal is something veery common. You have 4 cards to tutor for the Master, 4 cards to accelerate him and no less than 8 cards to make sure he can't be blocked - but zero ways to protect him!
My recommodation would be Confound but I guess you want to stay Modern, so why not Swiftfoot Boots? Hexproof and haste seems like a dream combination for this guy.

I don't like Gut Shot. It's nice and flashy during the turn you want to kill but chances are that you have that one mana anyway or could afford to wait one turn. In all other situations, however, its just a very subpar burn spell. I would run Seal of Fire instead, you can play it early on and pop it during the turn you want to kill but if you need it at any other time it does at least 2. This can make all the difference (toughness 1 and 2 creatures).

Posted 04 February 2016 at 12:59


I agree, spot removal is its biggest downfall. Something like Swiftfoot boots or Lightning greaves or Whispersilk cloak would be great, we'd just have to target him with the unblockable spell first with the last two.

Gut Shot I do like, it works pretty well for our local area. Theres plenty of lifegain decks around here, so I never want to give them that extra turn if I dont have to. And the deck runs on very little mana on field because of Summoning, so sometimes I dont have an extra red that turn if I'm waiting to drop a backup critter. And while Seal seems good, enchantment kill could screw me last minute...

Posted 04 February 2016 at 14:31


Who wastes an enchantment kill card on a Seal of Fire that can just be popped in response!? But okay, your call. I would just prefer something more versatile instead of putting all eggs into one basket :)

Posted 04 February 2016 at 14:54


No, the people I play against are smarter than that. They'd pop the enchantment right after I attempted to sac it. Putting their spell on the stack and leaving me with nothing to do. lol. But I do run other burn besides Gut Shot, for removal and in case I cant draw a Shot.

Posted 04 February 2016 at 15:00


Hm? Attempt to sac? Sacrificing it is part of the cost, you cannot prevent that with a spell. Once the Seal is in play you would need something like Voidslime to stop the effect.

Posted 04 February 2016 at 15:27


They can use an instant to take it out while I'm trying to use it, could they not? My understanding of the stack would be me targeting it intending to sac it, them targeting it with an instant enchant kill, the stack resolving, their kill taking it and and me being left with nothing to sac. Right?

Posted 04 February 2016 at 15:43


No. As I said, in this case sacing it is part of the COST. You pay costs in advance, much like you tap a land to get the mana. The opponent can't repsond to that with tapping your land with an Icy Manipulator. I mean, they can try, but by the time it resolves, the mana is already in the pool and the land tapped.

Here is what happens with Seal of Fire:

You have priority. You anncounce that you want to use the Seal and pay the cost, in this case, the cost is sacrificing it (everything LEFT of the ":" is a COST, everything right of the ":" is the EFFECT). The 2 damage of Seal go on the stack. Now the opponent can respond to it. By this time the Seal is already gone and therefore no legal target. They can still respond to the 2 damage, as I said trying to counter it with a Voidslime, or of course trying to prevent the damage, but they cannot destroy the Seal itself because it is already gone.
Even if they could, removing the source of an effect doesn't prevent the effect itself. For example, if you you tap a Prodigal Sorcerer (cost) to do 1 damage (effect), then this one damage is on the stack. Killing the Sorceror in response doesn't retroactively remove the damage from the stack.

Posted 04 February 2016 at 15:55


I'm suddenly very angry with my friends now that you've explained this. So many times I've been cheated because of this exact problem...

Posted 04 February 2016 at 19:50


I think we've all been through this. There is a reason why my examples include Prodigal Sorcerors and Icy Manipulators ... because we had these discussions back in the day, too. Only difference: We didn't have the all-knowing internet back then :)

Posted 04 February 2016 at 20:03


Same here Drake XD

Thanks for the explanation Pus. I didnt know that.

Posted 05 February 2016 at 04:22


Lol pus, best nickname ever, mine is gussy, which stand for goat, pussy,

*cough *cough any way I love this deck and now want to make a version of it myself just different, 'cause that's what I am

Posted 03 June 2016 at 01:26


What about Thassa?

Posted 24 February 2016 at 18:15


It's good for the unblockable at will and also acts as a scryer

Posted 24 February 2016 at 18:17


HoneyWhiskerZ has deleted this comment.

Posted 26 March 2016 at 00:33


HoneyWhiskerZ has deleted this comment.

Posted 26 March 2016 at 00:34


Great deck. Very well built. I would suggest working on the lands, though. Maybe more than just one Rouge;s Passage, some of the dual lands from Ravnica that tap for two colors at once (ex. Rakdos Carnarium). Just a suggestion. But other than that the deck looks amazing. I hope you piss off all your opponents with your victories.

Posted 13 July 2016 at 05:20


Um no. That would only slow the deck down

Posted 13 July 2016 at 06:45


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Posted 13 July 2016 at 05:20
