
6 Decks, 2 Comments, 1 Reputation

Just some initial thoughts...

-You need to speed up the deck with 1 and two drop zombies. festering goblin, putrid imp and gravecrawlers are ideal.
-Lich lord of unx and souless one are good cards but most of your deck is straight aggro, take them out and reinforce that core notion.
-This isn't a life loss deck right? you need maybe 2-4 more dual lands, or two of the onces that give two mana but you have to send a land back to your hand.
Drop the rooftop storm, the mana cost is so high that by the time you can cast it, you can pretty much throw down any zombies you like.
-Grimoire of the deck isn't very efficient in your deck when you don't make much use of your graveyard. get some extra value out of it with undying creatures or spells that can be cast from the grave.

Posted 17 January 2013 at 20:16 as a comment on Zombie Deck B/U
