
77 Decks, 5 Comments, 0 Reputation

I like it. If you have any, maybe swap out a couple Gaea's for a couple Omnath to build up the pool in case all the pieces aren't on the board yet. Omnath could also be good for feeding the Genesis Wave to really mass dump your library on the board.

Posted 08 October 2010 at 15:04 as a comment on Elf Overrun


I'm a huge fan of the leveling, too, so when I saw proliferate coming down the pipe, I got all sorts of happy.

Posted 08 October 2010 at 14:23 in reply to #91435 on Proleverate


I wanted to put that in, but wasn't sure what would be the best to swap out for it. I like the double strike of True Conviction, but it might be better served in the SB to make room.

Posted 08 October 2010 at 14:22 in reply to #91436 on Proleverate


I agree, it's a bit much in CMC for the Hook, but I ran a similar G/B deathtouch deck for a bit and the Grapping Hook was a nice Oh No moment for the opponent when it hit the board. Maybe swap in one or two Hooks for Irresistible Preys. Same thing, but recurring and gets the deathtouch in first to save the creature for next round.

Posted 10 June 2010 at 12:26 as a comment on Green Thumb of Death


Consider adding some grappling hooks to pick off the big stompers and clear a path.

Posted 09 June 2010 at 00:32 as a comment on Green Thumb of Death
