I really like this brew! Have you though about adding wrath of god to the sideboard?
I have 27 decks in each age, 10Tri 10guild 5mono 1 rainbow 1 colorless. In each age each deck is either Agro, Combo or control.
Thanks for the advice! I'll add two for sure!
You're not the first person to say that!
Love the addition of Sylvan Caryatid, Give you a fine Bit shift target that can't be fucked with!
Add 4 scroll rack
Cut one Demonic Tutor and add one Vampiric tutor and it becomes Vintage Legal :)
Pretty sweet deck. Did you ever consider adding Summoning Trap to the Main?
But land grant is free if you don't have any forests in your hand :)
I would suggest barbarian rings instead of the Sandstone Needles
Just in case I get stalled out trying to go off on the combo, He is a cheap blocker that throws down 4 chump blockers that can sometimes win me the game if he is left unchecked. Also I like to hold him back in case of a board wipe.
Hey man pretty cool start! you should check out my Life gain deck if you want to get some ideas :)
I was thinking the same thing, However I'm playing in very Creature Heavy playgroup. Do you have any suggestion?
Thanks man! Its just a casual vintage deck (Like all my decks) But its really fun