
31 Decks, 17 Comments, 0 Reputation

You know what I mean. Typically he's the strongest creature on the field by the time I drop him. Particularly against mono colored decks as this decks messes your mana base around.

Posted 08 August 2010 at 23:17 as a comment on Pending


Typically a 4/4 unblockable by the time I drop him. The enchantments pump him up. I'm designing a side board to transfer all green out.

Posted 02 August 2010 at 21:48 in reply to #77933 on Pending


To address the life gain issue... I won't need life I'm bashing my opponents head in with a 9/9 flying demon. Also the kill cards gain life.

As for the Highborn, I wanted to put the better vamps in the deck(Highborn, Gatekeeper, Bloodwitch, Ghast) but I needed specifically one drops to power out the demon or Captivating Vampire. Although now that I type this Blood Ghast may not be a bad addition.

Posted 02 August 2010 at 21:07 as a comment on Vamp


Much better than the last time I seen this deck. Much more consistent. I would like see another Smother and Guul Draz Specter, but the question is what to take out.... and I don't know.

Posted 31 March 2010 at 19:57 as a comment on Sexy Card Depletion


How about some Ruin Ghosts? Allows you to play an additional land a turn.

Check out my deck for example.

Posted 31 March 2010 at 19:48 as a comment on Realms of Ob Nixilis


So essentially this deck slowly stalls your opponent into a deck out?... interesting. I don't see much a win beyond that.

Wall of Denial fits your colors and is great for stalling.

Posted 31 March 2010 at 19:16 as a comment on Lich's Immortal Mirror (Needs help?)


I'm mainly commenting because the song I happened to be listening to is Spellbound by Lacuna Coil, possible theme song maybe?

I'm not a big red player, but I like this deck. It's unusual enough to appeal to me. I would recommend trying to add another Dragon Fodder for additional defense, but I see little room for that.

Posted 31 March 2010 at 19:10 as a comment on Spellbound


this deck seems fairly inconsistent with all the one-of's. I would suggest removing the one-of's and focusing on 3-of's and 2-of's becoming playsets. Or choose a few of the one-of's and getting play sets of them, like the hydras.

There is no reason for Nath to be in this deck. Sure he makes elves but the chance of casting him is slim without black producing land.

Cutting land in deck that need massive mana isn't always a good thing, but the loss of 1-3 land shouldn't hurt.

In summation...
No need for Nath or Leafcaller. Add more of the Hydras, both of them. Lose the enchantments and focus on making play sets of your 3-of's.

Posted 31 March 2010 at 18:30 as a comment on in my oppinion, this is my best deck. help please


I don't think Bloodchief Ascension is particularly useful in a deck that can't quickly damage an opponent to build the counters. If your opponent has a hand by the time you can cast Mind Sludge, you're not doing a bang up job at killing their hand.

I enjoy very much the aspect of killing my opponents hand, which is why Liliana is my favorite walker as well, and I have never looked at Megrim and liked it. It is pretty much useless once your opponent is top decking. Why run them when you can run more hand kill? Megrim isn't worth the mana, at least to me, unless you're playing cards to make your opponent draw so they can discard.

In summation, remove the Bloodchief Ascension, Megrim and Mind sludge for some more field control for the little bastards that your opponent gets down before you manage to kill their hand and more cheap hand kill. Maybe some more land.

And now, shameless self pimping. Check out my decks and leave comments. Always appreciated.

Posted 30 March 2010 at 23:18 as a comment on Sexy Card Depletion


Because I marked the first B I seen.

Posted 30 March 2010 at 16:15 in reply to #59356 on Vampire


Much better with less cards.

Posted 23 March 2010 at 22:52 as a comment on Legends


I didn't want Iname, as One. I'd have to cast him from my hand to benefit fully from him.

Posted 23 March 2010 at 08:29 in reply to #58117 on Legend(V.1)


After seeing your deck I built my own legendary spirit deck in your honor.

Deck link:

Check it out for ideas and leave comments.

Posted 22 March 2010 at 17:42 as a comment on Legends


I like the legendary aspect. I have been trying to fabricate a deck to use Time of Need in myself. I don't much like this 90 card thing though.

Joyous respite doesn't seem necessary. Same goes for Scouting Trek, stacking your deck isn't help full unless the cards you stack win the game. That said, Congregation at Dawn. Nourish seems unnecessary, life gain sucks unless you can use it to win. That goes for Kirin, at least your second one.

Although not a spirit, Elvish Piper.

Posted 22 March 2010 at 17:05 as a comment on Legends


Etherium Sculptor to lower mana cost to, potentially, 0. And, if you can get a few, Tinker.

Posted 22 March 2010 at 15:47 as a comment on Visions Chimera


All advice taken. Except Tharaximundar, had to go mono.

Posted 21 March 2010 at 23:07 as a comment on The True Assassin...


Isochron Scepter.

Posted 21 March 2010 at 23:06 in reply to #57934 on DeathLust
