Also you should have a max of 60 cards usually as you want it to be consistent. The more cards you have the less likely you are going to draw into the cards you need when you need them as you can only have 4 of any given card at any given time. Cut down the amount of lands to a max of 20, and fill the rest of the 40 in with a given goal in mind look up Angel Stompie, and White Weenie decks for good examples of white decks. Also some relatively cheap white cards that almost any white deck should have: Swords to Plowshares, Savanna Lions, White Knight, Serra Angel, Silver Knight, and Mother of Runes just to name a few. Also another suggestion would be to keep things like Disenchant out of the main deck and keep those in the sideboard because unless you know that your opponent is running enchantments or artifacts those are just going to useless.