
5 Decks, 18 Comments, 0 Reputation

Just making a note of cost before lands: 137.68

Posted 02 May 2012 at 00:48 as a comment on Praetor (by NateWTF) Copy


Ugh, I'm probably going to end up taking the land out of frites too. I need forest still

Posted 02 May 2012 at 00:47 as a comment on Praetor (by NateWTF) Copy


Mixed this deck up with frites spells/sideboard.....Mana needs adjustment, but I'd like to try and keep it cheap. I doubt that will happen.

Posted 02 May 2012 at 00:41 as a comment on Praetor (by NateWTF) Copy


Contagion Engine
Throne of Geth
Inexorable Tide
Artful Dodge

all didn't see much play tonight.

Posted 19 April 2012 at 10:48 as a comment on Infect, Your time is ticking away


I tested the deck out tonight and had alot of trouble in the fact that it is way too slow. Also mid to late game, I couldn't get big creatures out to be productive. It didn't work very well at all vs a jace control deck running many counter spells, ponders, and brainstorms. I'm going to look at replacing some stuff. I'm probably going to drop the spells taking 4+ to cast. The proliferate was good in theory, but it really costs too much mana and you are not able to do much else during that turn. I made a mono green deck just to try it out. I was killing people in 2-4 turns alot very easily. Even the Tezz Gambit seemed too expensive to cast.

Posted 19 April 2012 at 10:45 as a comment on Infect, Your time is ticking away


I'm not too keen on mono black infect. I just finished up for the most part my Black Blue Artifact deck. Everything is either infect or proliferate from spells to creatures.

I prefer lots of proliferate in case you have troubles with a board wipe or something.

Let me know what you think.

Posted 14 April 2012 at 03:18 as a comment on Mono Infect Unbeatable


I see your point. Decimator Web was a safe fall if the opponent matched my creature output. It's not really needed though if all goes to plan into turn 4 with Tezz.

I'm going to take out twisted image from the side deck as it really doesn't benefit any creatures (although the draw a card is nice). I'll probably put Steady Progress in it's place x2 and maybe add the Unwinding Clock x2. With the clock out, I don't have to worry about some massive creature taking all my life in 1 hit because of not having defenders.

Posted 11 April 2012 at 21:43 as a comment on Infect, Your time is ticking away


Also did you not like being able to ping decimator web?

Posted 11 April 2012 at 07:44 in reply to #246689 on Infect, Your time is ticking away


Hey Ryusei, can you copy a list of that deck you had pre-adding white please. I didn't get a chance to save it off. I liked the added Mox, but it's a bit out of my price range atm so I'll have to swap those out.


Posted 11 April 2012 at 07:40 as a comment on Infect, Your time is ticking away


Hey Ded,

He was helping me out on my deck with this.

I know everyone it out for those early round kills. I was looking to make a more lasting game deck. The longer games feel more epic to me anyways. The focus for the deck was getting those initial poisons on and survival while you get of proliferates or just more infects from creatures. I didn't use many creature ramp ups as most where green and I was trying to stay Blue Black Artifact. I also tried to get protect from alot of decks my friends run. Some being massive creatures and other token decks.

I was trying to stay a little low budget, but I think this is around what I will be building/starting to shoot for. Well....I kind of like the previous version of this deck, but I'll looking the added white.

Posted 11 April 2012 at 07:03 as a comment on Artifection


That's alot of info. I'll check up on the changes and see how they look. Thanks for all the feedback! I'm glad you like the deck. The biggest asset to running the engines would be versus a token deck.... They start getting too many out around that time and you drop that to clear them out or weaken them greatly. Keep in mind that once a counter is on anything, proliferates will weaken and eventually kill it off.

I'm curious to how the deck works vs various other decks. I was concerned about it being weak early game and not developing enough into late game. Decks I'd like to test against are mill, burn, green mana ramp with bigger creatures, artifact decks, and a few theme decks like vamps. If I can get a consistent showing versus those, I'll be pretty happy with this (my first deck ^^).

How did you like the control aspect of the deck? Did you feel you had enough or needed more? I was concerned about mana when drawing hands also. Lastly, did you find late game that creatures where significant enough in strength against possible enemies to prove a threat till the end?


Posted 10 April 2012 at 06:03 as a comment on Infect, Your time is ticking away


Added Tumble Magnet to the side deck. This seems like a good way to get damage through if issues come up vs creatures.

Posted 05 April 2012 at 00:46 as a comment on Infect, Your time is ticking away


Ok added a few images, and agents. Had to change around a few counts on creatures and spells though. I'm thinking about replacing Skeletal Grimace with something since my regenerate thing is old rules now. Also like the first poster said, it might bee good to through in those Memnites for sacing, but I'm not sure where I would.

Posted 04 April 2012 at 00:43 as a comment on Infect, Your time is ticking away


That's good to know. The last time I played was back during 3rd and 4th edition so you can imagine all the changes since then.

Any other advice.....see any other flaws in the deck or maybe suggest more combos?

I've tried to get everything I has creature and casting wise with either infect or proliferate. You can counter spells and such and kill off creatures, but with this much in a deck you'll be hard stretched to counter all of them.

I'm worried about early game. I have only a few things to get out costing one mana that have infect. Alot of my stuff is around 3-4 mana cost. There's no really mana ramping so that concerns me.

Do you agree with using Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas or would you try something else and or how many would you have in the deck?

I've done some sample hands and to be honest it feels like I'm very short on mana sometimes. That could just be the random generator.

Posted 04 April 2012 at 00:10 in reply to #245199 on Infect, Your time is ticking away


Moved the duo land to the side deck for pricing.

Posted 03 April 2012 at 19:06 as a comment on Infect, Your time is ticking away


Sorry adding another note. . . By putting Skeletal Grimace on an aritifact (Core Prowler), I can sac it and regen it without hurting the number of creatures I have on the board for 2 proliferates. I know memnite would be cheap and easy to forget about after sac'd and give me 1 proliferate, but my way would also be good if the board got wiped.

If I had 2 Geths and 2 Core Prowlers, That's a quick 4 proliferates for only 2 black mana.

Added Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas to use with both the Inkmoth Nexus or any other artifacts.

Posted 03 April 2012 at 19:04 in reply to #245139 on Infect, Your time is ticking away


To add the viral drakes serve as great defenders and if you start getting hands out, your guys will just keep getting better and put you on the offensive.

Posted 03 April 2012 at 18:33 as a comment on Infect, Your time is ticking away


The side deck is just some cards I thought about but didn't know how I wanted to switch them out yet. Ok here goes on your suggestions..

I could add Memnites for a few more creature but they don't add poison unless sac'd.

Clasp is a good way to get a counter on a creature to take them out in the future, but I've played with the card and it's pretty much useless after that one effect. I can get proliferate for cheaper out of other combos.

I like decimator web.... I might add 2 of these in here. This is a good way to ping on poison counters to both the player or creatures to take them out. I was looking for a card like this.

There's no need for Blighted agent or ichor rats if I use artful dodge, ping the poison, or get more creatures than him. After I play the deck a bit I change my mind on that. Thanks for the tip.

You don't need counters, you have Corrupted Resolve.

I'm not sure what I think about smallpox. I don't think I want to sac any of those just for 2 life dealt. The Geth's and you could always cast a Grim affliction on your own creature if you had to seems enough for sacing things. Also, what ever you plan to sac, you can always attack with.

I'm looking for a way to get some Tezzeret loving into the deck too. Seeker or Agent or both.

Posted 03 April 2012 at 18:31 as a comment on Infect, Your time is ticking away
