
23 Decks, 44 Comments, 6 Reputation

Interesting. I haven't tested with blue but I checked out your list and it seems to have merit. I'm tentative about the consistency and the speed, as well as the fact that you have less protection for your creatures (3 brave the elements while I have six such effects. Also good to note is Gods Willing triggers heroic).

I originally chose to go mono-white simply because the deck needs such a low curve I always need to have the proper mana, not to mention it allows for crazy plays like T1 Hopeful, T2 two Ethereal and swing 7. Additionally, Spirit of the Labyrinth and Ajani add some major power to the deck. My thought is the unblockable doesn't really need to be built around because I already can give my creatures protection, or use ajani to boost them over the top, as well as a full set of pacifism to lock them down.

As far as black goes, there's just not enough power or speed there to warrant adding the extra color.

Thanks so much for the input, best of luck to you.

Posted 13 April 2014 at 06:34 in reply to #455109 on Hyper-Fast White Enchantments


Thanks, I've been looking at her because her drop is nice against decks with good board presence and her up ultimately protects her from them too. I'll try and weedle in a spot or two for her

Posted 29 August 2013 at 03:53 in reply to #392578 on Post-Rotate Golgari NEEDS HELP


Oh shit good call, I'm retarded. Well I suppose that opens a few slots, I wonder what to put in . . .

Posted 28 August 2013 at 16:32 in reply to #392402 on Post-Rotate Golgari NEEDS HELP


I made a similar deck and you definitely need 28+ apostles for consistency. I also ran blood artists over Xathrid necromancers because I'd rather just kill my opponent than improve my board. Plus, then on T5 you can apostle into griselbrand with a blood artist out and use his draw ablility for essentially 1 life.

Here's my apostle deck:

Posted 26 August 2013 at 17:31 in reply to #391668 on Mission Apostle


. . . . or this is a game of personal preference and choice?

Posted 26 August 2013 at 17:28 in reply to #391652 on Mission Apostle


Cheers fellow Sean! I'm glad I could help, let me know how it goes

Posted 22 August 2013 at 03:36 in reply to #389993 on Young Ownamancer


Cool, let me know what you find. Also, mad props for being a Sean

Posted 18 August 2013 at 22:50 in reply to #389993 on Young Ownamancer


I love this idea. The thing I'd change however is removing maw of the obzedats for ogre battledrivers, the ogres have insane synergy with the rest of this deck, boosting yp, atl, ls, and mr, and t5 you'd rather be getting Assemble out anyway, Maw is a little out of place then. After that all I can ask is how many flips do you win with molten rebirth?! I mean it potentially has great value but I feel like as a two-of its unpredictable and a bit of a weak spot in the deck, where you could have more useful things like guttersnipe, or maybe another ins/sorc that holds more value.

Oh, and idea here. If you went the full on sac route and put in some falkenrath aristocrats for more sac outlets you could mainboard mark of mutiny as a 2 or 3-of in place of say the doom blades. Then you could steal their creatures, swing in with them for damage, and then sac them off the field all while receiving yet another token.

So perhaps:
-2 doom blades
-1 path of bravery
-2 molten rebirth
-1 searing spear
+3 falkenrath aristocrat
+3 mark of mutiny

Idk how it would play but I feel like that could really wreck any kind of opponent board presence, especially if they have value creatures like jund does.

Posted 18 August 2013 at 05:27 as a comment on Young Ownamancer


I know you said you don't like the blue for zombies, but you should consider splashing for undead alchemist, spectral flight, and grimgrin. people forget, but grimgrin is insane in a zombie shell with undying and gravecrawlers, and then undead alchemist is insane for generating tokens. I know this isn't standard so I'm not too much help because I don't know the meta, but I used to run u/b zombies and I remember mortar pod being extremely useful as well. Oh, and if you put in undead alchemists, as I think you should, bump up cemetery reaper to a 4 of because it's instantly way better.

Hope this helps, zombies are so fun!

Posted 17 August 2013 at 17:31 as a comment on Zombieland


Thanks! To be honest, the Reckoner/Act combo has such a big target on it that I have to pull it out for more consistency in the form of xathrid necromancers. I'm also adding in Olivias and more humans. Overall it should be a much more solid and intimidating deck

Posted 17 August 2013 at 17:13 in reply to #389793 on The Aristocrats, Final Act


Thanks a bunch! And now that I look, I could understand some of the one of's as having tutor is almost like having two of them, if you have it you can search for the one of you need. As far as decks, I don't have anything like this on here but I have the Aristocrats I'm running right now here:

Its oldfashioned, so I think I'm going to take out the reckoners and perhaps the Acts for xathrid necromancers and something else, perhaps two vampire nighthawks and another archangel. But I'm rambling, let me know what you think, if you care to. Thanks

Posted 17 August 2013 at 05:21 in reply to #389575 on rakdos


I'm considering running something similar to this and I'm wondering how you like the consistency? I know many seasoned players like running one-of's in their decks, but I myself prefer to have consistent cards and draws, how well does this work with a single ratchet bomb or underworld connections or diabolic tutor or dreadbore?

Posted 16 August 2013 at 07:52 as a comment on rakdos


Actually look at Vexing Devil's text. "When vexing devil enters the battlefield", meaning he is in play before the choice is triggered. Therefore you can cast undying evil in response to the choice targeting vexing devil as it is still on the field before the choice is made. It all works

Posted 06 August 2013 at 05:53 in reply to #382804 on Undying Devil From Hell


Excellent point! One I tried to press earlier but was ignored. Bloodthrone Vampire is useless no matter how big it gets if your opponent has a blocker, but with rancor its a terrifying force. Not to mention you can put it on your apostles to swing in some extra damage before sac-ing them and redistributing the rancor.

Posted 06 August 2013 at 05:44 in reply to #386282 on The Cult of Immortal Shadows


You misunderstand me, I'm merely offering my opinion and making a case for it, not imposing my view on him. If I wanted to impose like an idiot I'd resort to insults or exaggerations like "its a thousand times better" but that'd be ridiculous because, of course, magic at heart is a game of opinion just as much as it is of proven fact.

Posted 05 August 2013 at 07:01 in reply to #385102 on The Cult of Immortal Shadows


I personally dislike Xathrid Necromancer as it usually doesn't do nearly enough bang for its buck. I would replace it with fiendslayer paladins because they have lifelink along with first strike and are great in the insanely popular jund matchup. The lifelink will trigger your Thune when you have her out for even more counters and their first strike will make them unstoppable when Thune boosts them. I played against a similar deck in a SCG open yesterday that instead ran mana dorks into Thune but he ran 4 paladins and they wrecked me, its definitely a better value card here I think than Xathrid, but even if you think otherwise, I suggest to make room for them somewhere!

Also, without Xathrids you definitely want to run lingering souls instead of gather the townsfolk. Even if you leave the necromancers in lingering souls gives you twice the bodies as gather and they're flyers that can swing over your opponent's creatures after they get pumped up from Thune.

Posted 05 August 2013 at 05:51 as a comment on Thune the Blood Artist


I understand that bud, but I'm saying that I believe it doesn't. Especially considering that this deck isn't blazing at its best, I mean its nice comboing and such but it should be ready for the long haul and even two blood artists in the main will create a lot of damage as well as life gain. Putting a blood artist on the field the turn after your bloodthrone vampire means that for sure your opponent is losing life as you boost your vampire, even if it is blocked.

Posted 05 August 2013 at 05:25 in reply to #385102 on The Cult of Immortal Shadows


My thoughts are that you're going to fizzle to topdecking insanely fast, even with Harvesters if you put them in. However if you think it works well then have at it, I haven't playtested it so how should I know. On the other hand, it seems your win condition is the bloodthrone vampire? The downside is the lovely lady never gains trample. Any dorky little 0/1 creature can block it and poof, no damage. I'd suggest, as you're running green, a playset of rancors so they can punch in the damage. Further, I don't care what kind of dying build, blood artist is always good. Imagine dropping one apostle T1, then Bloodthrone vamp T2, 3 more apostles T3, then a blood artist T4 and two more apostles if you need them. That means you can swing in a 13/13 vampire T4 and still be guaranteed you're opponent will lose 6 life and you'll gain just as much. Again, I don't know everything about this deck, but believe in the blood artist!

Posted 01 August 2013 at 05:52 as a comment on The Cult of Immortal Shadows


Honestly I would consider using Killing Wave, as it is much cheaper seeing as you're really only looking for a one-sided boardwipe (your own). Just food for thought, it'd have to be tested and probably come out against aggro for some mutilates

Posted 01 August 2013 at 05:44 in reply to #383741 on The Cult of Immortal Shadows


Thing is they'll know what's coming and chump block the vampire, then it won't do anything, no matter how big

Posted 01 August 2013 at 05:35 in reply to #380794 on The Cult of Immortal Shadows


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